Lens-Artists Challenge #152 – Shades and Shadows

Time for a simple, but hopefully enjoyable challenge for this week – Shades and Shadows. As the weather is fairly hot over here now, you can guess why I chose this theme. Of course it can be interpreted less literally, but as always you are free to surprise us!

In Sweden, and some other countries, we only have one single word for this…so, a neat illustration will start this week’s challenge!

An old friend of mine had his own sleeping preferences …always in the shade. This was one of Totti’s early morning surprises. He was in his prime, agile, loving and sweet.

Skógafoss, Iceland, where late evening light made long shadows and magnificent yellows.

In the Morockan desert, the tiny scarab shows an equally tiny shadow while he is scuttling between sun and shade.

We are still in Morocko, where the narrow alleys and harsh sunlight of Marrakesh makes for both shade and shadows. And difficulties for a photographer.

Finally, an image with not many contrasts, but subtle shadows and shades let the pink/cream coloured sandstone come alive. I loved this moment that suddenly turned up while looking up a side street. That cat owns the area.

Thank you, Patti, for a thought provoking, fun and diffferent challenge last week! We had great fun enjoying your creative posts! Hope to see you this week too under the Lens-Artists tag.

Finally, stay tuned for Amy’s hosting next week, and please be safe and kind.

208 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge #152 – Shades and Shadows

  1. Pingback: Photo challenges – Appeltjie

  2. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #153: It’s a wonderful world – Cee's Photo Challenges

  3. Pingback: Gerecht Leiden | What's (in) the Picture?

  4. Pingback: Leiden Breestraat | What's (in) the Picture?

  5. Pingback: Photo challenges 19 June – Appeltjie

  6. Pingback: Shade and shadow – Eat, Play, Live

  7. Pingback: Shadows on a Montana Wheat Field | A New Day: Living Life Almost Gracefully

  8. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #152 Shades and Shadows – A Photo's Worth

  9. Pingback: Lens Artists – Shade and Shadows – norasphotos4u

  10. Pingback: Lens Artist’s Photo Challenge #152: Shades and Shadows | WordsVisual

  11. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #152 Shadows and Shade - My Colorful Expressions

  12. Pingback: Beautiful Great Blue Heron and Shadows | Babsje Heron

  13. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #152: Shades and Shadows – Wandering Dawgs

  14. Pingback: Shade and shadows – Travel with Intent

  15. Pingback: Delft | What's (in) the Picture?

  16. Pingback: Delft Dog | What's (in) the Picture?

  17. Our trip to Morocco also left me with many photos containing shade or shadows. With such strong overhead light, the walls of many buildings cast rather interesting shadows. I’ll look through my pictures tonight to see if I can squeeze in an entry to this week’s challenge. We just returned from Maine — so I’m bound to have something!

  18. Pingback: Shadows and Shade | Albatz Travel Adventures

  19. Pingback: ~ Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #152 ~ Shades & Shadows ~ | Lindy Low LeCoq

  20. Pleasant photos you’ve shared.
    I like that most shadows are soft, leading to a better blend.
    I think that it also means that the shadows that contrast more stick out better. It works especially well in the photo with the scarab as the shadows better carry focus across the image and help impress a sense of depth.

    Here’s mine for this one:

    Shadow Over Land

  21. Pingback: Shadow Over Land | Stupidity Hole

  22. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – Shades and Shadows – Journeys with Johnbo

  23. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #152 – Shades and Shadows – Jedi by Knight

  24. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge – Home Based Shades And Shadows – Blog of Hammad Rais

  25. Pingback: Photo Challenge – Lens-Artists: Shade and Shadows – Photography in Pearls

  26. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #152: Shades and shadows – nowathome

  27. Pingback: Shades and Shadow – One Woman's Quest II

  28. Pingback: Shades And Shadows #WordlessWednesday #Photography – Hugh's Views & News  

  29. Pingback: Shadows Need Light — Lens-Artists Challenge #152 – Photos by Jez

  30. Pingback: Latin School | What's (in) the Picture?

  31. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #152 – Shades and Shadows | few words-uncountable colours

  32. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-152-Shadow-and-Shade – WoollyMuses

  33. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #152: Shades and Shadows – Cee's Photo Challenges

  34. Pingback: Shadowy Splendor | Out of My Write Mind

  35. Pingback: Light & Shadow – My Camera & I

  36. Pingback: Sand Shadows – Tish Farrell

  37. Pingback: Shadows and some Shade – David M's photoblog

  38. Pingback: Lens-Artist Photo Challenge- Shades and Shadows – justbluedutch

  39. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #152 Shade and Shadow: Spectra – dunelight

  40. Pingback: Shade and Shadows – Wind Kisses

  41. Pingback: Consider Waterlilies | What's (in) the Picture?

  42. Pingback: Shades and Shadows – mazeepuran (माझे e-पुराण)

  43. Pingback: Puente Poetry: Shades and Shadows – Whippet Wisdom – a Highland Journey

  44. Pingback: Tide Pool Shades and Shadows – theoutershores

  45. Pingback: Lens-Artists PC: Shadows and shade – Manja Mexi Mexcessive

  46. Pingback: Photography – Shades & Shadows | radhikasreflection

  47. Pingback: Garden in the shade – Don't hold your breath

  48. Pingback: Delft | What's (in) the Picture?

  49. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #152 – Shades and Shadows – Salsaworldtraveler'sblog

  50. Pingback: Shades and Shadows | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

  51. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #152 – Shades and Shadows – John's Space …..

  52. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #152 – Shades and Shadows | AEKShots

  53. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #152: Shade and Shadow – Calling-all-RushBabes

  54. Pingback: Lens Artists Challenge #152: Shade and Shadows – Slow Shutter Speed

  55. Pingback: Angel Oak Provides 17,000 Square Feet Of Shade

  56. Love this Ann-Christine! A wonderful theme and you’ve presented it beautifully. I especially loved the sand dunes – would love to see them first-hand one day but in the meanwhile your image brought them to life. Terrific post and challenge.

  57. hi a.c., again a great challenge theme that you present us for this week. i like your pictures very much. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd have something special. here is my post for this theme, https://wp.me/p2AvI7-3Ne.
    many greetings robert

  58. Pingback: lens-artists challenge shades and shadows – photo roberts blog

  59. Pingback: Silent Sunday: Gold in the Shadows – Tranature

  60. Pingback: lens-artists challenge: shades and shadows – A Meditative Journey with Saldage

  61. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #152: Shades and Shadows | This is Another Story

  62. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #152 – Shades and Shadows | The World Is A Book...

  63. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #152 – Shade and Shadows | Travels and Trifles

  64. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #152 – Shade and Shadows | Travels and Trifles

  65. Pingback: Shadows and Silhouettes | The Day After

  66. Lovely gallery, and well depicted shades and shadows captured by your lens.
    You´ve been to wonderful places and I´m grateful to see the other parts of the world from your perspective.

  67. Pingback: On Riddles, Shades and Shadows – Nes Felicio Photography

  68. What a beautiful gallery, AC. It’s hard to pick a favorite image. The scarab in the desert is remarkable and the street scene in Morocco. And of course, my heart goes out to Totti, asleep in the shade!! Your challenge is lovely and inspiring. I’m going to get to work on my post next.

  69. I love your photos, especially Skógafoss (one of my favourite spots in Iceland!) and the scarab beetle 🙂 I pondered for a while what to share. Your atmospheric Marrakesh image had me considering similar light and shade shots I have myself from our visit there but in the end it was the Skógafoss shot that inspired me and sent me to search for photos of shadows in my own archive (as well as getting out into the garden to take a few more!) https://www.toonsarah-travels.blog/gallery-chasing-shadows/

  70. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge – Shades and Shadows – photographias

  71. Pingback: Shades and shadows – Philosophy Through Photography

  72. Pingback: Shades and Shadows – Anvica's gallery

  73. Pingback: Shades and shadow – Geriatri'x' Fotogallery

  74. Shade or Shadow… These two words have always been a little confusing to me, in Spanish we only have one shadow. I think thanks to your explanations I have understood it. A very instructive report, with beautiful images. Totti, besides being adorable, was very smart.

    • Thank you, Ana – he was… And the more answers I get here, the more i realise maybe it is the English version that is different? So far several bloggers say they have only one word for this!

  75. Pingback: Shadows & Shade at the Beach (Lens-Artists Photo Challenge 6-7-2021) – priorhouse blog

  76. Pingback: A gentle reminder about how to care for your skin! – I Believe, BECAUSE –

  77. Pingback: It’s cool in the shade – bushboys world

  78. Brilliant photos taken in Morocco – a darling girlfriend who has just settled in Marrakesh will no doubt smile waking up to that shot in the Medina . . .

  79. Pingback: LAPC #152: Shades and Shadows Dilute the Car Show – Marsha Ingrao – Always Write

  80. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #152 – Shades and Shadows | This, that and the other thing

  81. Another interesting challenge for us this week. I love your examples, especially dear Totti on the table in the shade.

  82. Pingback: Expecting – From Hiding to Blogging

  83. Pingback: Shade and Shadow – Suzy Blue

  84. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Shade and Shadow | scillagrace

  85. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challange 152: “Shades and Shadows” – MyBlog – solaner

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