Tuesday Photo Challenge – Spread

I had the opportunity to watch two majestic young ones, for the first time spreading  their wings and flying into freedom this autumn. For Frank – Eurasian Eagle-Owl.


34 reaktioner på ”Tuesday Photo Challenge – Spread

  1. Pingback: Tuesday Photo Challenge – Round Up 204 – Dutch goes the Photo!

  2. Great look at this wonderful bird, Ann-Christine. Those talons are impressive and the wings so huge and the feathers perfect. A powerful predator. Happy I’m not a mouse. 🙂

    • Ha, true. I was a little worried about how they would manage on their own out there. No parents, no help. But, the ”breeders”, the human family that brought them up are very skilled. They have brought up new owls to our country for at least 25 years. But always find some in electric lines and some hit by a train or car. Hopefully some will survive to build a family of their own.

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