WPC: Favorites – Meeting Arthur!

Arthur – I met him and talked to him and touched him (posted here) – my most emotional photos this year. My favorites. Not technically good any of them, but I was only focused on Arthur – a champion of heroes!

A stray dog who followed our Swedish multi sport team in the World Championships in Ecuador – through tough jungle and many hardships. He was determined to stay with the team and its leader Michael Lindnord. Michael and Arthur bonded immediately, and later Michael brought Arthur home to Sweden to live with his new family.

The team went from four to five – here they cross the line!


I was all shaky, but surely you can see in the header, that his eyes tell about his kind soul!


30 reaktioner på ”WPC: Favorites – Meeting Arthur!

  1. Pingback: WPC: Favorites | Lillie-Put

  2. Pingback: Not the 2017 Favourite – Just a Corner of my World (Leftover 1) – What's (in) the picture?

  3. Vilket fint och kärleksfullt inlägg!! En helt fantastisk hund och en underbar story!! 🐕 Härligt att du delar med dig och att du valde just detta bland säkerligen väldigt mycket som hänt under året som snart är till ända. Djur är fantastiska och hundar är utan tvekan människans bästa vän, något som vi måste ta väl vara på. ❤ 🤗

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