WPC: Happy Place

A happy place where I can relax and get away from a busy life…WPC wants to know my secrets…and then they are secret no more. Near and far, some easily reached when needed, some only in my world of memories.

For more secrets, click here.


Veckan före midsommar 2011 020

Sitting in my garden listening to  bees humming in the flowers.

 v.44 2011 088

Walking in ”my” forest every day…


Far away…not easily reachable, but still…in my memory a place of utmost happiness.

Coromandel, NZ.

28 reaktioner på ”WPC: Happy Place

  1. Pingback: 2015 is Soon Coming To an End… | Leya

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Happy-Place | WoollyMuses

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