About me


Vad behöver Du veta om mig? Inte mycket egentligen. Det mesta kommer att visa sig om du läser min blogg ibland… Redan nu vet du säkert vilka mina största intressen är, och att jag är kvinna. Kanske är jag buddhist. Jag undviker fortfarande att trampa på myrorna.

Jag besitter en del livserfarenhet eftersom jag redan levt drygt halva mitt liv – förutsatt att jag kommer att uppnå medellivslängd. En stor del av livet har ägnats åt resor, och erfarenheter från mina långväga äventyr kommer att synas tydligare  efterhand.

Så, om du känner att vi har en del gemensamt, eller uppskattar och vill ta del av mina tankar och klurigheter, eller rent av bara är nyfiken – välkommen in!

Vi hörs,



What do you need to know about me? Not much, really.  The most essential things will be clarified if you read my blog now and then… I guess you already know my favourite interests and that I am a woman. Maybe I´m a buddhist. I still avoid treading on ants.

I have some experience of life as I have already been here for the first half of it – provided I will have an average length of life. A great deal of it, so far, has been dedicated to travelling, and travel experiences will be quite apparent in many of my posts.

So, if you feel we have something in common, or if you simply appreciate my writings and pictures, my thoughts and peculiarities – or if you should be just curious… Welcome to my blog!

See you,


210 reaktioner på ”About me

  1. Pingback: Five at Five – Ann-Christine aka Leya of Leya – To See a World in a Grain of Sand… – Brashley Photography

  2. Pingback: lens-artists: three of a kind – A Meditative Journey with Saldage

  3. Pingback: 92 – Details * – Beach Walk Reflections: Thoughts from thinking while walking

  4. Pingback: Keep Walking & Kam Ng’s Book with a Tips for a Long Life – priorhouse blog

  5. Pingback: 83 – Havens * – Beach Walk Reflections: Thoughts from thinking while walking

  6. Pingback: 77 – Quiet * – Beach Walk Reflections: Thoughts from thinking while walking

  7. Pingback: 54 – Leaves * – Beach Walk Reflections: Thoughts from thinking while walking

  8. Pingback: 35 – Fog * – Beach Walk Reflections: Thoughts from thinking while walking

  9. I just discoverd your blog and was touched by the beautiful pictures. No doubt that the content is wort reading. For this reason I would like to follow you in the future.
    Happy Holydays and all the best for 2021.
    With kind regards,
    Rudi (Belgium) – I hope Engish is not a problem for you 🙂

  10. Pingback: I am Back… – My Camera & I

  11. Now I see why we like so many of the same things. I too avoid hurting anything, life is precious, yet human beings waste so much of it. I am 52 and hoping I am not too far past the half way mark. The path form here will be different, that is what excites me the most.

  12. Hey lagottocattleya.wordpress.com,

    Gary here from PlantCareToday.com

    I’m emailing you today because we just updated our article on caring for Moth Orchids.

    While researching the article, I noticed you linked to:


    in your post here:


    Moth Orchids (Phalaenopsis) are often the first experience an aspiring orchid grower may have with orchid care. This native of southeast Asia is one of the most beautiful, and long-blooming orchids available for homeowners.

    Review the article at:


    Might make a great addition and resource to your page?

    All The Best,


  13. Pingback: Kitty Tales across the Globe | twobrownfeet

  14. Ann-Christine, nu tänker jag allt vara med här! Jag läser mest hästbloggar, men det här är ju något helt annat.
    Definitely enjoy your style and look forward to reading more!

  15. Hi Ann,
    Thank you for dropping by my blog 🙂 Am guessing your tag line is inspired by Blake! My masters is in Literature and ‘Auguries of innocence’ is one of my fav. Happy to follow you!

  16. Pingback: The Epic Awesomeness Award | I scrap 2

  17. Hello there! I just want to say that you have an incredible blog, and that your content is insightful, refreshing, and apt!

  18. Välkommen
    Jag ser att ni gör en mycket häftiga bilder.
    Jag har konstnärliga inställning till vad du gör

    • Oh dear…it really doesn’t matter! My real name is Ann-Christine, but is too long to fit into any forms I must fill in…Leya – I shortened Lagottocattleya, which was my blog name because they were my favourite things. My dogs and my orchids.

  19. Pingback: Cast your minds back to no. 1 | "AND THEN LIKE MY DREAMS"

  20. Hi Ann.. Thank you so much for your visit to my blog as it led me to your world of photography and travelling. As you said you have fulfilled a lot of roles already and now you have taken time out for yourself to travel around. Cheers to that for you, you will be inspiration for me as I grow up too. I am very much delighted to have share the common love for travelling, hence on board with you.

    Much Love

  21. Sometimes Swedish is so much like English, which isn’t surprising, given that the two are related languages. I looked at behöver and your English translation and realized that behöver must be the cognate of English behoove.

  22. Here is the information on Virtual Blog Tour. Yours is August 11! The Virtual Blog Tour is a relatively new project for bloggers. The rules are fairly simple:

    Compose a one-time post which is posted on Monday (date will be given to you from whoever passes on the tour)
    What am I working on?
    How does my work differ from others of its genre?
    Why do I write/create what I do?
    How does your writing/creating process work?
    Answer four questions about our creative process which lets other bloggers and visitors know what inspires us to do what we do.
    Then pass the tour on to up to four other bloggers. Get their permission first and give them rules and specific Monday they are to post.

  23. Good day Ann-Christine, I want to invite you to go on a journey with me and others. I am going to do the post on Monday the 4th August and I want you to join the journey on Monday the 11th August. http://irisgreenwald.wordpress.com/ Iris started the journey and she invited Alletta at http://nowathome.wordpress.com/about/ who invited me! It is only in its baby shoes. Alletta invited me. There are four questions to answer with photo or what ever you want. If you accept invitation I’ll send all the information. Wew now I gave you a mouth full.

    • This is such an honour – I do want to humbly accept it! I didn’t even know this award existed…The feeling of being considered inspiring is so great – I hope it’s all right if I must wait a bit to accept and follow up, because I will be going away for a week with my class.Thank you very much for this nomination!I’m very grateful!

  24. Compliment for your introdruction as well for your photography, which are inspiring and beautilful. Thank you for taking the time visiting my blog and for your like. We both share the love for nature, I guess. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
    Kära hälsningar

    • I enjoy your work, Stefan, and I’m happy to follow you too. Thinking alike sometimes, yes, being inspired, yes. Hope to have some good thinking and conversations from now on!.

      Mit freundlichen Grussen (sorry I cannot manage those text specials..)

      • Thank you, Ann-Christine. I am glad that you like my work. Let me still say thank you very much for the german greetings. Your german is really good.
        Have a nice weekend

  25. Leya, I have been around for the first half of life too (that’s hoping that I also live an average lifetime). It’s been interesting so far. Sometimes good; sometimes not so good…it has been quite an adventure!

  26. Hi Ann, just finished checking my stats from 2013 and your blog is the blog I get the most traffic from!
    So thank you for that 🙂
    Have a wonderful New Year, thanks again for being a continued contributor to The Paperbook Collective.

  27. Hej, Ann-Christine! So happy you came by my blog today and let me follow you back to yours! I see we have some blog friends in common, so I know I’ll feel right at home here. 🙂 And I look forward to ‘traveling’ with you as you share your adventures.
    Hej då!

  28. Hi Leya,
    I thought I would pop over and say a personal THANKYOU for submitting such beautiful images again to The Paperbook Collective. It has been absolutely incredible to see what you come up with each month, your photos are always incredible and it is an honour to publish them!
    Thanks for your ongoing support of the magazine, I hope to see more of your photography in 2014!

  29. Hey,
    Just happened to run into your blog. You have got a beautiful space running here. Loved your work. Its very subtle. I guess I will be hanging around here a lot. 🙂 Great work

  30. Pingback: My World In Five Colours – 2013 | The Urge To Wander

  31. Hello, Ann-Catherine! Thanks for dropping by my blog. I see you love to travel too. So do we. At least we can enjoy one another’s experiences as we write about them. I hope to run into you sometime again in this blogosphere!

  32. Hi Anne-Christine … thank you for taking time to visit my site…. I looked around your blog … and had a great time !!! … looking for more posting from you. ☮

    • Thank you, Viveka – but…you can do anything with a photo, can’t you? This was taken in a studio and they know how to make the best out of you. Don’t even imagine I look like that ordinary weekdays…But Henke is nice…

  33. Thank you for the follow, from Sweden to Scotland.

    Jag älskar Sverige. Jag älskar fotboll. Din bästa fotbollsspelare är Henrik Larsson han spelade för mitt lag Celtic Football Club. Vi har Johan Myallby som assistant manager nu. JAG ÄLSKAR SVERIGE! Tack Shaun

      • Nope I used a translator 🙂

        I just LOVE Sweden.
        Swedish girls are SOOO Pretty
        I am a married man with kids, I am just saying.

        I love your country and LOVE Henrik Larsson, He is a SUPER HERO TO US HERE!! Well Celtic Fans

        ”THAT – IS- SENSATIONAL” Is used a LOT here due to Henrik. A truly world class player and I met him, A wonderful man.

        Shaun x

      • He loves us also.. Check the emotion

        I still cry when looking at this. He was SOMETHING!

    • Well, what can I say? I humbly thank you for thinking of me for this award! I’m flattered and very happy and grateful! This is difficult for me to deal with, though. I believe it is for everyone who is awarded…as you say it takes a certain amount of time to do it properly. I am afraid I don’t have that time – I’m having trouble with just keeping up my reading and sending entries… So, I bow and thank you, sweet Sara, for thinking me worthy of this! I just hope I’m not disappointing you too much in my failure of living up to it.

    • You really know how to give Christmas presents! It almost fell down the chimney! At least it hit me heavily in my chest…as I was just standing there. Thank you very, very much! This is something I never would have expected – I’m so honoured by this, and maybe even more by your kind words about me and my blogging. Big hug to you!

    • I’m deeply honoured that you’ve mentioned me as a candidate and that you think me worthy of this award! Thank you! I will try my best, but I believe it’s very time consuming to live up to. My students and the national tests will go on for the rest of this term. But I will try!

  34. Pingback: Beautiful Bloggers « Zeebra Designs & Destinations

  35. Why, I´m overwhelmed and I feel very honoured indeed! Thank you for nominating me! I will really try to be worthy of this. My work and my students get much of my spare time too, but I want to accept the award and I will do my very best! I wonder if there is a time limit here, some kind of deadline when I have to have accomplished all obligations?

  36. Just wanted to let you know I have nominated you for the Adventurous Blogger Award. I hope this will be welcome news for you. If you prefer not to accept the award, I certainly understand, but I hope you will visit the other nominees, and they will visit you, just the same. To see the other nominees and rules for accepting the award, please visit my post at http://wp.me/p2ekZU-Pt – All the best!

  37. Pingback: Verrrry Interesting – Specialty Blogging Awards | The Retiring Sort

  38. Ann-Christine,

    inte förrän nu har jag tagit mig tid och titta på din blogg ordentligt. Du är helt otrolig! Underbara bilder som gör att lugn och tanke kommer till en. Med texter där tankar föds och göds!

    Tack för senast!


  39. Underbar presentation av någon som jag tycker om bara jag läser det jag läser…, du skriver underbart och du har ett vackert hjärta, sånt känns helt enkelt bara!

    • Kära Tammy, jag tackar för så fina, så fina ord! Jag har läst din presentation av Dig hos Dig, och jag blev så starkt berörd av din berättelse att jag bara satt stilla med tårarna droppande i knät. Så fint du berättar, vilket öde du har haft och hur stark du måste vara.

      Djur och natur är allt också för mig – och så mina barn förstås. Det enkla, det rena och sanna, finner du bara där. Förbehållslös kärlek och vårt rätta element. Nutidsmänniskan har avlägsnat sig så mycket från naturen, att hon inte längre förstår den – och den förstår inte henne. Vi har fått en ofattbar gåva och Du är en mästare i att synliggöra och förmedla den.

Halva verket är läsarens - så, vad säger Du? As the second half is the reader's - I'd love to have Your line!

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