LAPC #220 – One Subject Three Ways

This weeks challenge is hosted by Patti, who once again wants us to think photographically – One subject three ways.

I am just back from Porto, and I have to post from the amazing Livraria Lello – ”The Most Beautiful Bookstore in the World”… and a bit more than three images it had to be. How do you portray a staircase like this? Hope you don’t mind, Patti! I stayed for an hour and a half to work this shot…

There were so many people in queue to come inside, that we had to try three times to find a queue that didn’t stretch all over Old Town Porto.

And I really don’t know how many books were sold or borrowed or… most people were there for the same reason as we were there – for the love of the architecture and for photographing.

My photos are all crowded, but there was no chance of shooting without people getting in the way…

…taking turns posing or just standing in awe. But for a second or two, suddenly there were only two people in the staircase!

I loved it almost more from behind …but every minute here, I was thinking ”Harry Potter”…

This is my favourite perspective and the lady looking upwards shows there is more to see up there – a beautifully painted glass ceiling for example. But that will be for another post, this one was all about the spectacular staircase!

Patti says: ”This week, we invite you to “work the shot.” Post 3 photos of the same subject–from your archives or from a recent outing. Vary your distance from the subject, try different perspectives, zoom out for the big picture, or zoom in on the details. It’s up to you. You can even experiment with processing the photos differently–in black and white or color, cropping, or trying different filters or effects.”

As usual, be sure to include a link to the original post and use the Lens-Artists tag so we can find you in the Reader.

A special thanks to Tina for hosting last week’s challenge for photo treasures. Your photos were so varied and inspiring–as always!

I, Ann-Christine, will host next challenge, LAPC #221, so be sure to visit Leya, next Saturday at noon to get all the details. We hope you will join us!

Until then, stay safe, inspired and kind.

65 reaktioner på ”LAPC #220 – One Subject Three Ways

  1. As Sofia said, and I’m sure I mentioned to you when we spoke, the reason so many people go is because most of them are Potter fans! I’m so pleased you have posted these, because I didn’t get inside myself!

    • Thank you. There was a time when I didn’t want people there at all, but now I agree with you. this was to show the architecture clearly, that’s why I didn’t want people in all the photos.

  2. I’ve stood in all those places on the staircase. It’s phenomenal, isn’t it? Great shots from you. I didn’t buy a book but I sat in the tiny alcove upstairs with a glass of port, just savouring it all.

  3. That staircase is stunning, no wonder so many people want to see it and photograph it! But I hope for the shop’s sake that some also buy a book 🙄 My favourite shot is your favourite – in that one the presence of the person enhances it rather than get in the way as they do in some of the others 🙂

  4. What an amazing place, AC and a great choice for the challenge. The woodwork is incredible. Your patience was rewarded! Like you, my favorite of this set is the last one–the woman looking up and the couple looking at the photo on their camera. Now this is another place I must visit! Thanks for the inspiration, AC. And have a great week.

  5. This is a wonderful series, from which, like you, I like the last shot best. Though it’s a close call – this looks a marvellous place for bookworm and photographer alike. More please!

  6. Must have been hard to manage all the people and still get such wonderful photos. Your last one is my favourite. Lello was one of the inspirations for JK Rowling’s Harry Potter, mainly the moving staircases at Hogwarts. Since she said this, it has been a place Harry Potter fans travel to just for the photo opportunities. The same a bit like the viaduct at Glenfinnan. I think at one point, they did charge for entrance, pre Covid maybe.

    • Glad you liked them – a true gem this library! I did not know Rowling built some of HP on this! Thank you for confirming my feeling of HP atmosphere. They did charge us, 6 euro. It was truly worth it .

  7. This store diserves certainly the title of ”The Most Beautiful Bookstore in the World” The staircase is unseen but also the whole building is an architectual wonder ! Thank you so much for sharing all this beauty.

  8. Time well spent Anne-Christine. What an amazing bookstore and an amazing job you did capturing it. Love the closing shot…perfect! Glad you didn’t limit it to only three shots 🙂

  9. Thank you so much for sharing the photos. But would its beauty take away something from the books ? As you have said that you do not know how many books were sold or borrowed . I too was thinking that .

  10. What an amazing bookstore Ann-Christine. You took on the challenge and did a great job photographing it. I didn’t mind the people. The staircase is simply a work of art. Great post.

  11. Well Ann-Christine, you surely founds the perfect subject for this week’s challenge. I truly loved your subject in all of its forms but that last one is just amazing. Great work as always

  12. I actually love seeing all the people. A great place to do that. The architecture is so intricate, and I loved the way all the banisters are curved to match the steps. Fascinating place. I loved the yellow, where you were looking up at the lady, as she was. Cool interpretation. I am sure Patti won’t mind. You are right, three wouldn’t do it. Fascinating…

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