Thursday Thoughts – Summer is Still Here

I sit in my garden every day, watching the butterflies feasting on Buddlejas and what is left of my plum cooking. The Red Admirals seem to love plums just as much as the ordinary flower table. Golden days now, when summer is drawing to its close.

The beautiful Scarce Copper though, is not to be seen anymore. I guess its season is earlier. I tried to catch some of the Admirals with my camera, but unfortunately – I will try again tomorrow.

31 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Summer is Still Here

  1. Dear Ann-Christine
    We are not quite sure but we think we don’t have red admirals here. We have never seen one.
    Great colours!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Keep well & happy
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

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