Thursday Thoughts – A Piece of Old Time Magic

Sporrakulla is the name of an old farmstead from the 16th century. I went here for the first time almost 50 years ago, and haven’t visited again since my children were small. Last week we decided to drive up to the beautiful farm once more.

When you leave the car, you walk into a harmonious landscape, where time seem to have stopped…and the silence is almost tangible.

The meadows are harvested as in the old days, with a scythe. This is for the benefit of the flora.

The last farmer left in the 1960’s, and now the houses are kept by the local forest authorities. Many tourists visit during summer, and sometimes there are minor events in the garden. Mostly hikers picnicking though. The area is thick with hiking tracks.

The flora around the farm is abundant, and so is the fauna. I could have walked around for hours…

…or just sit and watch the quiet pace of life.

Thank you for returning here with me. Hope you enjoyed the old buildings and the atmosphere. For me – nostalgia, the best kind!

24 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – A Piece of Old Time Magic

  1. Have to laugh and admit to being old enough to remember a time when scythes were THE way to ‘mow’ the lawn ! Yikes !!! Lovely calming property – thank you for taking us along 🙂 !

    • Eha – I am old enough for that too. My grandfather always used the scythe, and today i regret not asking him to teach me. It is still the best way of making wildflowers grow.

    • Mike, that is my best relaxing time…just walking with camera in hand. My husband cannot walk with me anymore, his hip and back is to be operated on…someday. Glad you liked the idea. You might try it again? Unless you have troubles like my husband…

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