LACP#208 – Summer Vibes – It’s always summer somewhere!

Andre’ of Solander is our guest host, and wants us to show our favorite activity (yes, chilling is also accepted as an activity in this context) in summer. Please visit his blog for more inspiration!

Summer vibes starts in my own garden – where the little yellow flowers make a golden carpet to the tunes of humming bees. We never cut the grass until the flowers are ready to go.

The vacation we often need is freedom from our own mind.
– Jack Adam Weber

And they stay for weeks, I am sure it’s just to make my heart jump with joy!

Summer’s lease hath all too short a date.
– William Shakespeare

Early mornings and late evenings are alive with summer vibes – the backlit geraniums’ gracefully dance for my camera eye. Flower photography is a passion with me.

It’s summer and time for wandering…
– Kellie Elmore

June is a lovely month for hiking…another favourite activity. (And I chose this walk by the sea, because we never go to the sea during the dark time of the year.)

I always make sure to choose good company. If I feel I need any company at all…

Swedish ”fika” is a must. And outdoors a summer privilege. My mother and I always had one on our long walks. And the children loved it.

By 4pm, the dark clouds are marching in – but most of us are prepared for a heavy shower.
Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly.
– Van Morrison

Spending a quiet moment at the beach when the rain has passed. Silent and refreshing.

But tomorrow may rain, so I’ll follow the sun.
– The Beatles

The lady flowers unfold and shine again with the warming sun…

And the sea – knows how to rest.

Summer vibes in short would be, flowers, photography, hiking, fika – and spending time by the sea.

Many thanks to Andre for guest hosting this week and for giving us the opportunity to share some “summer vibes”. Please link your response to his original here and to use the Lens-Artists Tag to help us find you. Thanks also to Jez for last week’s Seeing Double challenge. Your responses included wonderful moments captured forever. We hope you’ll join us again next week when Tracy challenges us with “Surrealism” on “Reflections of an Untidy Mind”. She’ll be followed by the last of our July Guest Hosts, Sarah of “Travel With Me” who will invite us to share three favorite images. Finally, the Lens-Artists team will return in August, when Anne will lead us with her “What’s Your Photography Groove” challenge. Until then, as always please stay safe and be kind.

Interested in joining the Lens-Artists challenge? Click here for more information.

67 reaktioner på ”LACP#208 – Summer Vibes – It’s always summer somewhere!

    • Tracy, she is in my thoughts too, every hiking day. You like the stillness of the sea? After rainstorms it sometimes surprises with a totally calm sea. And I love it.

  1. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-208-Summer-Vibes – WoollyMuses

  2. Wonderful post, Ann-Christine 👏 The cloudy skies are so full of drama, particularly the beach shot after the rain 😃 The ponchos & huddling under a tree are a regular sight here as well 😂

  3. What a beautiful set of summer images. Love your garden, AC! Lovely horses under the old tree. Oh… the beach, breathtaking.
    More rain, envious!

  4. I love the carpet of yellow flowers, I’m so glad you let them grow and don’t cut the grass 🙂 The geraniums too are gorgeous, and that sea so quiet and clear!

  5. Uncertainty is something I can’t stand. Here, rainy months are rainy, and everything else is a different shade of warmth. I just can’t understand why the sunny summer day has to turn rainy. 🙂

  6. That is one very calm sea! Not even a ripple, not at all like the sea around this coast although it can be a lot calmer on the south. A lovely summer wander with you A-C and I love the geranium photo!

  7. This really would be my perfect summer day. You have every ingredient. Even though I had to look ‘fika’ up. I got variously ‘coffee’, ‘coffee and cake’ and ‘a state of mind’. All correct?

  8. I loved thst–that the only vacation we need is freedom of our own mind!Stress free, no hassle sometimes no itinerary and just enjoying each moment. Glad that you find this bliss right in your home.Lovey post!

  9. That’s it! I feel perfectly chilled now I’ve spent summer with you. That rain caught me by surprise, but oh, the joyful calm afterwards. And those backlit geraniums!

  10. You’re right Ann-Christine, summer does not always mean a big event. Enjoying the garden and the flowers, watching the bees, and using the opportunities the local area is offering 👍
    I love your image with the partly broken tree and the lady (?) watching out to the see. 👍

  11. Lovely quotes and beautiful photos. Here in coastal south India we are having the monsoon season. We do not have any winter. By June the summer heat is at its peak and fortunately the rains start and the temperature comes down. Regards.

  12. The Weber quote ;oud;y resonates with me whilst I walk with you looking at a sea so placid as we never see it here . . . Oh, fika – you give the coffee break such a romantic name . . . methinks the custom is common throughout NE Europe at least . . .

    • Thank you for coming along, Eha! And it pleases me immensely that you like fika too – common, I thought, but the work fika might be Swedish!

  13. I do love your wild garden and yellow carpet giving the bees a chance to do what bees do best. I enjoyed the walk with the cows and horses for company. A wonderful Summer post. The idea of fika is fabulous Anne-Christine 🙂 🙂

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