LAPC#207 – Seeing Double

Welcome Jez, our guest host this week – and the theme is all about reflections. Please go to his site for marvelous inspiration – and Lensy of course…

I love reflections too, and when I looted my reservoir of memories, I found this one from a travel to Tibet. We had to go by train from Beijing, and when walking the city centre, a lovely lantern caught my eye.

The first thing I thought about, was reflections from the Amazon basin. Our canoeing through the djungle every day, searching for anacondas, cajmans, lizards, sloths, monkeys and birds. The silence and the dense forest with all its sounds (!) was an unforgettable experience.

Autumn in Sweden also makes for canoeing and colourful experiences. Sometimes so intense for short glimpses, that you just have to photograph it even if you don’t have a managable angle. Incredible light.

Then again, days of mist make beautiful, dreamy images. I used to pass this old mill every day on my way to work – but often I stopped to walk for some minutes, contemplating the beauty of this worn building. I know she is an old lady, ageing beautifully and admiring her reflection in the water.

Somewhere in Spain – and there is a red car driving on the bridge…

Art is of course a great possibility for seeing double – a contemplating man and…

Yayoi Kusama in Denmark

More of Denmark – a new complex built with different reflections…even the sky fits in.

In Denmark some years ago, celebrating my birthday. Mirror fun.

Seeing double is all about reflections – easily made into a photographic obsession. Jez wants any reflections we come across; landscapes, cityscapes or chance ones in a puddle. We are looking forward to seeing all your entries!

Last week’s responses to Aletta, Now At Home, with her challenge of Treasures, were fantastic. So many amazing and varied examples. Next week it’ll be Andre of My Blog–Solaner, thinking about Summer Vibes, so make sure you get over to his site for inpiration.

The rest of July:

July 23 – Tracy, who posts at Reflections of an Untidy Mind, has chosen Surrealism.

July 30 – Sarah Wilkie, who hosts Travel with Me, asks you to share Three Favorite Images.

A new challenge prompt is posted each Saturday at noon EST. If you’re new to the challenge, click here for more info.

Please link to the original post and use the Lens-Artists tag. And, as always – stay safe and kind.

60 reaktioner på ”LAPC#207 – Seeing Double

  1. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-207-Seeing-Double – WoollyMuses

  2. What can I say? lovely as your photos Leya. I always look forward seeing your posts because they are wonderful and full of meaning. This one is a reflection of you. Greatly done…

  3. I also put my hand up for the old mill in the beautiful autumnal Swedish setting . . . but have to admit to a big smile seeing you SO seriously setting up your camera . . .

  4. These are all beautiful a/o fun, A-C. The mill shot and the one below it are my favorites. I wish I’d thought of using the Yayoi Kusama shot I had. But seeing double isn’t just about reflections, even though that’s what comes to mind first.

    • I am glad you like that one – the light and colours where overwhelming. And again I marvelled at the difference when the sun doesn’t shine.

  5. I am so sorry Ann-Christine, that I cannot single out any of your images. From start to finish they are extraordinary. Honestly, this week you have outdone yourself – and that is REALLY saying something!

  6. Beautiful post, Ann-Christine 👏 I was completely mesmerised with the first shot with the lantern, as well as with the multi-faceted reflection in Spain & your mirror fun 😃 The winner for me was the old mill, resting quietly by the mill pond; I can see why you would spend so much time in such a peaceful setting 😁 Thanks for the opportunity of hosting & joining the fun 😊

  7. These are marvellous – and some of them are such fun as well. I sort of recognise that scene in Spain. Can you remember where you were? And that Yayoi Kusama image is fabulous – it messes with your mind.

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