Thursday Thoughts – Midsummer Garden Greetings

Midsummer is the best time in Sweden, and Tuesday this week was the summer solstice. We spent most of the night outdoors. Something to celebrate. The longest day. A walk in my garden gives me much pleasure, and this is the time to send some of that love with the warm winds to you, wishing you beautiful days wherever you are ♥

63 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Midsummer Garden Greetings

  1. Oh your garden flowers are beautiful Ann-Christine. The summer solstice crept up on me this year. Sounds like you had a lovely evening

  2. I do not blame you spending an idyllic night outdoors especially when nature was so blessing you . . . beautiful colour all around ! That said, on this other side of the world I am certain, oh so certain the sun peeped above the horizon just those seconds earlier . . .

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