Thursday Thoughts – Västervik Street Art

Västervik town had three big street art festivals 2019-2021. We went there for a couple of days to enjoy the beautiful town and its art. The weather was not the best, but good enough. Some works from the festivals collected here. In the header we have an Ollio/Curtis Hylton.

Lula Goce – Spain
Mantra – France

Ketones 6000 – Australia

Curtis Hylton – England

Curtis Hylton – England

Telmomiel – Holland. This one was my favourite.

16 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Västervik Street Art

  1. These are so beautiful! I see absolutely why the last is your favourite and I love it, but I think my own pick would be the one by Lula Goce or maybe the first of the two by Curtis Hylton. All excellent however!

  2. How beautiful and fascinating ! Would have loved a few days there myself to get to better know an art form of which I am somewhat ignorant. Our southern city of Melbourne is rather well known for a number of alley-ways displaying similar works . . . and friends have sent photos of similar festivals on Mexico . . . but have also seen city landscapes rubbished by what has seemed wanton ugliness . Shall go do some homework – thanks !

    • You are right, Eha – street art can be so very ugly, and I only go to the big events where real artists have contributed. And those are real treats! I can never understand how they can manage the scale!

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