LAPC #199 – Mechanical/Industrial

John – Mechanical/Industrial this week. In the header, – oil platforms in Poland.

John, John – not my best theme, this one, but fascinating – and here I am, computer working again, finally!

How about the first vacuum cleaner for a whole castle? Gothenburg, Sweden. It had to be pulled by horses, and the weight…tons…Imported from England.

New Zealand and an unforgettable ride with the Kingston Flyer. A beauty.

Less of a beauty maybe, but I like it – found on the bottom of the sea. New Zealand again.

Thank you all for last week’s responses to Patti’s Light and Shadow Challenge – unfortunately I had a computer crash, and could not participate as usual. But since yesterday I have my computer again! Next week, it’s Amy’s turn to host our challenge, so be sure to visit her site. If you’d like to join in our weekly themes but aren’t sure how to proceed, look here.

33 reaktioner på ”LAPC #199 – Mechanical/Industrial

  1. I remember your post with the ‘vacuum cleaner’ .. unforgettable! How awesome to see *TWO* NZ photos, especially the magnificent Kingston Flyer!!!

  2. Great to see the computer working again, A C! I love that vacuum cleaner…quite a machine! And the machinery from the bottom of the sea….

  3. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-199-Mechanical-Industrial – WoollyMuses

  4. Welcome back to the world of technology Ann-Christine – such a horror when it isn’t cooperating! Loved your choices, especially the vacuum (YIKES) and whatever on earth that machine was from the bottom of the NZ sea!!

    • Thank you, Tina! Horrible how much we depend on technology today. We would be totally lost without it. And we also depend on people fixing them up for us. That is the problem as well..

  5. The old vacuum cleaner is amazing, I’m trying to envision horses pulling it through out a castle! All great pictures; love the steam engine and also the salvaged train? at the bottom on the sea. So glad your computer is up and running now, what a misfortune. Hopefully you were able to recover all of your files.

    • Thank you, Sylvia, all files are here (I think…) And it was a train, that rusty thing. Happy to have less cumbersome machines in my house!

  6. I’m glad your computer is working again. It’s amazing how much we rely on them now. Great post! I like the thing found at the bottom of the sea. I love rust and decay. Do you know what it is? Or was?

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