Lens-Artists Challenge # 195 – Colourful Expressions


According to Anne, ”It motivates, depresses, and makes us happy.” The effect of colour is always remarkable. And now – ”how does color affect your photography?” Read more and find inspiration at Anne’s blog, Slow Shutter Speed !

Many of us have read books about the meaning of different colours… maybe that is one of the reasons why I love green. I like both soft and bright colors, green, purple, yellow and orange being my favorites. Combined with interesting textures, colours make me want new images…immediately. Fragrance and fragile patterns are on my list too.

Even if I love monochrome, colours are my life. In my photography, I will always be that little child in the deep forest – surrounded by the colour green – but all the other tones too.

Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Colours, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.

– Pablo Picasso

Muted colours are my best friends, I could never wear bold yellow, orange or blue for example. My skin and features are too fair. But for photography every colour can be delicious.

I seldom photograph something just because of its colour – there has to be something more in it of interest…like structure or architectural spice.

And, just like Anne, I’m also drawn to rust – maybe rusty colours mostly. These forest floor ferns could be my wardrobe – muted colours with glimpses of golden sun.

Colours, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.

– Pablo Picasso

Purple/ lavender/ lilac Wisteria and the colour grey – their marriage is an indisputable success.

Red is not my colour, but winter white and contrasting red is always a hit with me.

Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? no. Just as one can never learn how to paint.

– Pablo Picasso

This week, show us how colour affects your photography, what emotions it brings out, and which ones are you particularly drawn to?

When you create your colorful expression, remember to link to Anne’s original post and use the Lens-Artists tag.

Special thanks to Sofia, for last week’s wonderful Bokeh challenge. We so enjoyed seeing all your beautiful responses. Our guest host next week will be John RH, of John’s Space, Be sure to visit his site for inspiration.

If you would like to participate weekly in our Lens-Artists Challenge, just click this link and join us: https://photobyjohnbo.wordpress.com/about-lens-artists/

48 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge # 195 – Colourful Expressions

  1. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-195-Colourful-Expressions – WoollyMuses

  2. I’m drawn to and prefer, the ‘cool side’ of colors (blue, gray, green, or shades with cool undertones) for clothes, home decor/colors – but in Nature? Every spectrum, shade, tone, luminescence of the what plays before my eyes, is okay with me – because, well, it’s so simple and nuanced, so brilliant and subtle, so in your face and masked in hidden treasures – ALL at once! Endlessly fascinating, to me, even when I can’t capture it well via photo – LOL

  3. All your photos are excellent and I loved your little commentaries about why you are drawn to a colour. I quite agree that we can enjoy photographing colours that we would never dream of wearing! I can’t wear autumnal shades, much as I would love to – orange, yellows just drain me of what little colour I have! But that yellow wall is glorious, I would have photographed it for sure. My other favourite is that winter shot of red berries with the white – perfect!

  4. Wonderful images, Leya. Colours are amazing. I like green too. My favourite colour is blue. It feels so calming to me. It’s probably why I like photographing skies and landscapes. Hope you are doing well.

  5. So many lovely and different images- like colours! The collection of orchid heads? I found extraordinary, and always light through damp leaves! We were astounded at the amount of wisteria growing everywhere in the north of Portugal. A delight! Have a great weekend, hon!

    • Thank you, Jo, yes you seem to have a lot of wisteria! Lucky you! The orchid heads are from the flower festival in Keukkenhof, so…they can afford killing some orchids…

  6. All of these phoots are a ownderful response to this challenge. But perhaps my favorite is the little child with the red toursers going down the path between the trees.

    • Thank you, Anne – and yes…could not stop myself from taking a photo there. I felt it was me walking there, alone in the forest. I did when I was a child.

  7. That brilliant second photo – I keep on scrolling back . . . Love all the different colour depictions shown but, oddly enough live myself in a world of white and black and beige ans greys with touches of autumn subtly superimposed. That feels comfortable and yet is never boring . . . methinks Mom made me wear too much naval red and blue as a child . . . 🙂 !!!

  8. Truly beautiful A-C, both in the way you’ve shown color and the way you’ve described it. I love the little girl and how you tied it into your writing but my favorite images this week are the wisteria and the snow-covered tree with red berries. Wonderful!!

  9. Such a super colour collection. Like you I am very much an autumn person, loving the greens and ambers and rusts of the season, though I also like wearing blue. And occasionally red!

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