Thursday Thoughts – In My Windows Today

Time for a glimpse in my windows again – one of my greatest joys is the dayly watering and checking in and through my windows.

The first thing I do in the morning, I go out and feed the birds. Then I watch them arriving – my favourite is of course the Robin. I have got two Robins, but I have to feed one of them on the other side of the house…. They are very territorial.

Most of my Phalaenopsis orchids are flowering now in January, February – and some other plants as well.

Then I have some very special cases… The Amazon lily is resting in my bathroom because it got little creatures this winter…but I have successfully got rid of them now, and new, fresh leaves are coming up. I have also bought something called a Nut tree – a chestnut. Lastly, my window lamps are like flowers themselves, aren’t they?

In my glass house, the Acacia is coming along nicely – sending a lovely scent as I open the doors and enter. It would have been nice sending a soft puff from her to you – but I am afraid you have to imagine! Spring and summer dreams…

Thank you for coming along to my morning chores – much appreciated company!

30 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – In My Windows Today

  1. *laughter* The wattle is the glorious harbinger pf spring here in Australia . . . oh well, you may call it acacia or mimosa . . . 🙂 ! :love your orchids . . . another sign the spring is approaching . . . . . .

  2. The chestnut tree looks interesting and your orchids are stunning. I like the white one best. I hate it when plants get bugs so well done to you on rescuing this one. You could have joined me on the roof to admire my bougainvillea while I hung out the washing. Have a wonderful rest of the week!

  3. Your orchids are so lushly beautiful, and it’s charming how you write about your territorial Robins, but I adore your window lamp. It is indeed very flower-like and almost looks like something Tiffany would have crafted back in his day. Beautiful.

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