Lens-Artists Challenge #182 – Interesting Objects

Patti says: ”This week, we’re exploring Interesting Objects on LAPC. I’m sure you’ve had the experience of walking through a city, the country, a museum, or a beach, for example, and something catches your eye…”

In the opener you will find a somewhat strange photo of my favourite Swedish composer – when visiting his birthplace, I found this quote – ”To fight for the Light, yes, that is the highest” – His music shines of a very special light, creating a soft nest inside you.

Here are some of my eyecatchers…

Ireland – an incredible coincidence that I had just read a biography about these young women and the grim fate of their children. This plate sat on a bench in a beautiful park.
A sailing lamp…found in 15th century castle Bunratty in Ireland. This must be one of the strangest lamps I have ever seen. Bunratty is the most complete and authentic castle in Ireland, and in fact there were several chandeliers with these mermaids.
Kyrkö Mosse – a ”must visit” when you come to my part of Sweden. Some hundred old cars, once collected by a dedicated man. Standing in a bog, they are all slowly sinking, and will within not too many years totally disappear.

Patti says, this week we are invited to share images that feature Interesting Objects.

Have fun searching for them on the street, in your home, in your travels, or from your archives. Please include a link to her original post and use the Lens-Artists tag.

Last week, we enjoyed learning about and exploring your favorite photo challenges. Thank you Tina for hosting the Double Dipping Challenge – an eye opener to many new possibilities! Next week, it’s my turn to lead the challenge, so be sure to stop by and join in the fun! Until then, stay healthy and have an inspiring week!

60 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge #182 – Interesting Objects

  1. Hi Ann-Christine –

    I’ve updated my page with the link to your wonderful post. (I had published before your post went live.)

    The blue eyes on your photo of the dog in Poland are AMAZING! I adore that metal tree in Tbilsi, what a fun sculpture. Your travels have some unique finds, thanks for sharing them with us.

    Here’s my offering for Lens Artists 182 Interesting Objects:

    Beautiful Great Blue Herons on Exhibit (Quirky Artist Stories Nbr 20)

    Best, Babsje

  2. Pingback: Beautiful Great Blue Herons on Exhibit (Quirky Artist Stories Nbr 20) | Babsje Heron

  3. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC22-182-0117-Interesting-Objects – WoollyMuses

  4. Some wonderful finds this week Ann-Christine. One can clearly see why you’d have captured those blue eyes – how incredible they are. And the cars sinking into the muck, a sad thought for their eventual demise. Well done as always.

  5. Hi, A-C. Oh, those blue, blue eyes! A wonderful image. And the mermaid lamps….I must admit that’s the first (and probably only) time I’ll see them. I would love to visit the site with the abandoned cars. It has captured my imagination. You see….you picked wonderful interesting things for this challenge. I knew you would!!❤️

  6. very interesting and different objects. I knew before about that car cemetery, but I assumed I’ve had heard it was closed and removed a couple of years ago. The lamp and the tree are also kind of unique. Well done!!!

  7. What a collection! My favourite? The sailing lamp. No – the ruined car. No – the metal oak tree. And maybe not a favourite, but the Irish plaque stopped me in my tracks.

  8. Oh what a fun post Ann-Christine. I love the dogs eyes too. My other favorite one is of the abandoned car interior. Then the tree …. I think you get the picture. I like them all 😀

  9. Excellent interesting objects, AC! Love the dog photos, the car looks so sad. The metal oak tree, how incredible and creative. The lamp is quite unque. 🙂

  10. Jeg tænker på Alice i Eventyrland, når jeg ser The Tree of Life in Rike Park. Det ligner et sandt mesterværk efter min opfattelse. Du så ikke Johnny Depp? 💕😊

    • So did I. Not good, but he emptied them from any dangerous fluids. The metal is there, rusting, but at least no poisoning acids or something. It’s been marked a historic place. I guess they decided to leave it to the tourists as the grounds could not be used for anything else.

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