Thursday Thoughts – Happy Holidays!

Wishing all my friends and followers in the blogosphere a very Merry Christmas (if you celebrate) and a Happy New Year! Thank you for this year, 2021, for support and joy, light and comfort. Stay well and take care of each other.

A short visit to Gdansk before the carousel started again. After all, Christmas is for the children!

68 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Happy Holidays!

  1. This surely is the time of the year each one of us should be a child with one’s nose against the chocolate shop window ! May all good things come to you and be with you, now and in the months to come . . . thanks !!!

    • You always write interesting and thought provoking, Eha – a joy to read! Thank you so much for being there – and that little child, I still am. today is Christmas Eve, and I woke up to it snowing. I cannot wish for anything more. I read tht once in 20 years there is a snowing Christmas where I live in the south of Sweden. Grateful. All the best for the season to you and yours!

  2. And a very happy Christmas to you too, and let’s all wish for a better year in 2022. Thank you for lovely images all through the year and I look forward to whatever you bring to your site next year.

  3. Gdansk looks like a super place to get in the holiday spirit – great photos, especially the one of the child among the carousel horses! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and here’s to a more ‘normal’ 2022!

  4. Beautiful festive images. Each photo is crisp, vivid in colour and speaks of having fun and enjoying yourself this time of the year. Hope you are doing well. Best wishes to you, Ann-Christine. Have a good Christmas and Happy New Year 🙂

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