Lens-Artists Challenge #173 – Interesting Architecture

Tina’s challenge this week is all about interesting architecture. As I guessed you would all have fantastic examples of modern buildings, I decided to focus on the birds and the bees…and only a little about human buildings. The opener shows weavers’ nests in the Amazon, Ecuador.

I am always impressed by magnificent woodpiles – and my grandfather was an excellent builder of these. But, while they often are set behind houses or hidden in a barn in Sweden, I found this special display in Switzerland. Elegantly leaning against the house and beautifully framing the window. One of a kind.

To me, one of the most interesting Nordic building is Hállgrimskirkja in Reykjavik, Island. It looks almost like a spaceship icicle with smaller icicles attached to it. Everytime I visit Iceland – it is a must see again.

In Sweden we only have one skyscraper – Turning Torso by the famous architect Calatrava. I never liked it – despite it being beautifully built, it doesn’t fit in among the older buildings in Malmoe. I believe storks have better ideas about how and where to build a high rise building…Modern too – electrified!

Magpies often build high as well, and their nests are very intricate. They are durable, domed structures made of sticks and twigs and contain an interior mud cup and lining. Every nest has got two entrances – one close to the top and one from the side or under – and it can reach more than 1 meter in height. Not the nest to the far right though, that is a small but sturdy bird’s nest found during a winter walk.

The three middle pictures show the enormous European hornet’s nest we had in our summer house last summer. A fantastic and elaborate construction. Finally, my last image is from Bhutan and a monestary covered in bees’ ”pouches”. As the Buddhist monks care for everything living, they were happy to have the bees and their nests hanging there.

We thank you for your beautiful responses to last week’s “A Day in My Week” challenge – what a terrific variety of amazing days you shared with us!

We hope you’ll join us this week with some interesting architecture from around the corner or around the world. Be sure to use the Lens-Artists tag to appear in our reader, and to link to Tina’s original post.

98 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge #173 – Interesting Architecture

  1. Hi Ann-Christine

    I adore your weaver’s nests photo. Here the Baltimore Orioles build somewhat similar nests and they always surprise me. I like that you focused on architecture by the bird and the hornets. Humans are not the only architects – the natural world has much to show us, as your lovely photos and commentary imply.

    Here’s my offering for this week’s Interesting Architecture. At last something from me with meat on its bones for this topic:

    Beautiful Heron on the Charles River

    Best, Babsje

  2. Pingback: Beautiful Heron on the Charles River | Babsje Heron

  3. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-173-Interesting-Architecture – WoollyMuses

  4. Pingback: Great Egret for Not-So-Wordless Wednesday | Babsje Heron

  5. Beautiful pictures, Ann-Christine. The modern buildings are eye catching especially Iceland’s icicle. It is as you describe it and then there is the hornet’s nest. I have never seen such a big one before at such close quarters.

  6. The spaceship
    Icicle building is really awesome – and love that pile of wood – clever wood chopper to stack like that/ and wood chopping is not easy work. Your dad must have been strong

  7. Yes, I really like Hállgrimskirkja too, and the views from the top are fantastic! I love how you’ve included so many animal architecture examples 🙂 I do find the Turning Torso building rather elegant – I would love to see it in London but I can see that it looks out of place where it is.

  8. Hi, AC. I love your unique and creative interpretation of the theme, by including nature’s architecture. I am amazed by nature’s creations–like the wasp and bee nests. That lone skyscraper in Sweden does look out of place. I wonder if other skyscrapers are planned in that area? Have a great week…

    • Thank you, Patti! Your images are amazing as usual! You have the possibilities for grand architecture photography closer to where you live.
      I don’t think more skyscrapers are planned here, so this white, twisted finger will be standing alone for now. I wish the Torso would have been built in an appropriate environment to be rightly appreciated.

  9. Fantastic shots, Leya 😃 I’m in total agreement with you, the skyscraper does not fit in with Malmoe’s older architecture as I remember it; it does ruin a very pretty town 😩

  10. Hard to choose a favorite from among this selection but I think I have to go for the woodpile as I sense some humour in that. But hard on its heels has to be the hornet’s nest and the two accompanying pictures. How amazing is that!

    • Thank you, Mari! The hornet’s nest is really amazing – and I am glad you went for the woodpile as well! Fun, and a small tribute to my grandfather – he would have loved this one.

  11. Great collection, Ann-Christine. Thanks for sharing an image showing a hornet nest, an image still missing in my archive. I also included some examples of architectural masterpieces of Mother Nature.

  12. A lovely post. The internal architecture of the hornets’ nest is beautiful. The Bhutan picture shows human creativity making room for other life. I was surprised to see so many positive responses to the Turning Torso. On my one visit to Malmö my reaction to that building was ‘ok but why?’

  13. I smiled to see the stork, Ann-Christine, because my post this week is full of them, but the woodpile was probably my favourite. Which mischievous person would try to take a log from the middle? Have a great week, hon!

    • Glad you liked the twist, Anne – I love the constructions they make – with almost no tools at all. And they are cleverly constructed most of them.

    • Glad you liked the idea – also a kind of tribute to my grandfather. I saw him building them, and it takes quite the eye and practice. And time.

  14. Just as well we are all different ! I find ;the Turning Torso’ in Malmoe such a fantastic purist Nordic building I see fitting into a previous architectural landscape just perfectly ! It has no tall buildings from a different era with which to contend and shows off the perfection of its ‘here and-now’ beautifully ! I so love really innovatively nuanced architecture . . . perchance it is a matter of cultural acceptance as over 90% of the worthwhile new is built in Asia and the Antipodes . . .

    • I might agree to some extent, Eha – at least to that I am glad we are all different! The building itself is great, I think, but I would rather have had it together with other skyscrapers…Now I think a twisted white finger rising from a flat city is rather…strange.

  15. A most interesting approach Ann-Christine. First, I must agree on the Turning Torso although honestly I think I feel the same about the Hállgrimskirkja which appears also to be a futuristic building in the midst of much more classic neighborhood. Your idea of restricting modern skyscrapers to specific places would definitely get my vote! I loved all of the natural architecture you featured this week, especially the last. Have never seen anything like that!

    • Thank you, Tina – as I knew I wouldn’t get far with my own old images of architecture, I went for nature, and a little humour too…can’t go wrong there. Interesting about Iceland and the church, but for me, it fits in with snowy mountans and ice – at least much more than a twisted white finger in a flat Malmoe. I would have loved Turning Torso together with other skyscrapers Ibelieve…When I think of it, I found Turning Torso beautiful once, coming in for landing in Malmoe in bright evening sun – that was really a great view.

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