Lens-Artists Challenge #170 – Street Art

This week, Patti wants us to find street art from near and far. So, here we go!

These two Swiss houses are both beautifully decorated – but is it street art? In some countries it was an old custom to decorate houses like this, and in this little village they were very proud of their paintings. As you can see, the Adam and Eve decoration is much older than the first one. The motif might also fit in with this artform as being thought provoking.

A parkinglot in Malmoe – cars everywhere of course, but interesting art.

I found several houses decorated in the same style. Sometimes a bit too blurry I think…, but a smart part in monochrome on this one made the whole difference for me.

Lodz, walking in a very worn down area that had been beautifully decorated. I found this piece in an abandoned alley, and thought it very attractive, so I chose sepia to ”lift” the painting from its dreary surroundings and to enhance the overall impression.

A timely pick – Alfred Nobel. Then yellow street art and a blue van – the Swedish colours.

Finally, there is of course Street Art – and Art in the Street…

Covent Garden, London.

This week, we invite you to join us for LAPC #170: Street Art. Show us your captures of street art in places near and far. Be sure to include a link to Pattis original post and use the “Lens-Artists” tag so we can easily find your post in the Reader.

A special thanks to I.J. Khanewala of Don’t Hold Your Breath for hosting “The Ordinary” challenge last week. Many people commented that the photos shared were examples of finding the extraordinary in the ordinary. And that is a lovely take on the theme!

Next week, it’s my turn, Ann-Christine’s turn to lead LAPC #171, hope to see you then too, next Saturday at noon. In the meantime, have a joyful, safe, and inspiring week.

55 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge #170 – Street Art

  1. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-170-Chemainus-Murals – WoollyMuses

  2. Wow, Ann-Christine! Your archives had a treasure trove of great street art! I love your first two images. Very thought-provoking. I didn’t know about that custom in Switzerland. Your sepia image really stands out and of course I love the little girl in the last image. What a great capture!

  3. I’m continually astounded at how much good street art there is these days, Ann-Christine. I doubt I’ll join the challenge but I can think of some fine examples. Love all of yours.

  4. That closing street artist had a great stance! And look on his face
    And my fav was the one of Noble – his colorful depiction and the checks on the jacket – and the extras in that shot that you poured out

  5. I like that you included street performances, they are art too. I’ve listened to enchanting street performances by music students across the world. Unfortunately photos don’t capture their essence.

    Village homes across India also have this tradition of decorative paintings. It’s a nice parallel. I suppose one must also count them as street art.

    • Yes, many street artists really are artists – i love listening to them and watching them perform. Interesting that India also have this decorating tradition, I did not know. On the other hand I have been to India less than a week – just passing through.

  6. Om Australia street art is especially wellknown to be innovative in many of the laneways of Melbourne’s CBD . . . visitors go there ere they discover the art galleries, museums and stately homes ! Am personally somewhat ambivalent but more than interested if the depicted shows real art and talent ! Your first two ,methinks are more housie decorations than what I would regard as street art , , ,

  7. I enjoyed your gallery, A-C. I’m not sure I’d want the first painting on my house but to each his/her own. 🙂 There seem to me to be lots more buildings in Europe that have paintings of some sort and size on their walls than in the US, although I went with neighborhood art in California. Most in the US seem to be on businesses rather than homes.

  8. Stunning! I really enjoy this collection, AC. I love the little girl is my favorite, she is like sitting on these cars. 🙂 The one you edited is beautifully done!

  9. All wonderful as always Ann-Christine. I especially loved the sepia art which I’m sure was much improved by your edits, as well as that adorable little girl and her bashful smile. Great catch!

  10. I find the street art amazing. To think that the artists have to consider their canvas not only what it is made of but the shape they must paint on. The results are stunning. Thanks for sharing these !

    • Thank you, Anne. I am in awe too – and I cannot understand how they can paint those gigantic sizes! Standing so close and still having the right perspective? Unbelievable.

  11. A beautiful response to the challenge Ann-Christine, I especially love the contemplative nature of the mural in the abandoned alley 💛 xxx

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