Lens-Artists Challenge #169 – The Ordinary

As you get older, you want less from the world; you just want to experience it. Any barriers to feeling emotions get dismantled. And ordinary things become beautifully poetic. – Richard Linklater

Our theme this week is The Ordinary, hosted by I. J. Khanewala. There are many places, moments, things, etc. that we would say are ”ordinary”. But, we humans often use this word or concept differently. I find it interesting how easily ordinary things can become remarkable…In my examples, light is often the difference, and the combination of colours and an open mind. I guess many of us who photograph, write or paint – or are involved in similar activities, recognize the feeling and can easily appreciate the beauty of our ordinary surroundings.

Two days ago, we went to our summer house to close it down for the winter. It was an extremely foggy day, and I was walking Milo (our dog) back to continue packing. Unexpectedly, as from nowhere, the sun shone through the dull hedge on my right hand side, revealing the intense beauty of backlit leaves.
In my own garden, the mist and cold continued when we picked the last grapes, where some of them had ventured up on the roof. While climbing down with my basket full of grapes, I admired the red autumn vines clinging to the walls, windows and ladder.

Then, on my way up to the house again, my eyes followed the adventurous vine climbing along the laundry line. I believe I have one of the most intriguing and beautiful laundry lines in the neighbourhood… an ordinary Monday.

We hope you will join us this week for the interesting Photo Challenge #169: The Ordinary.  Please include a link to the original post from our guest host of Don’t Hold Your Breath, and use the Lens-Artists tag so we can all find you in the Reader.

A sincere thank you to all who responded to last week’s “Seen Better Days” challenge. It clearly shows that most photographers love to focus on the beauty lingering in old, worn or dilapidated places and things. Finally, we hope you’ll join us next week when Patti brings us challenge # 170. Until then, please stay safe and be kind.

63 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge #169 – The Ordinary

  1. Although turning leaves are quite ordinary around the world, I hope I never take the sight of them for granted. They are the stellar feature in our autumn landscape and the primary reason I love this season so much. We’re getting in a little leaf peeping this week, too!

  2. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-169-The-Ordinary – WoollyMuses

  3. The light you captured made a extraordinary image, AC. I love your beautiful laundry lines.
    Thank you for taking us to your summer home for a walk before winter comes.

  4. I remember you talking about your summer house, AC. It was like yesterday. How beautiful the autumn leaves and your out of this world laundry line. The last photo is perfectly framed.

  5. I think you’re absolutely right, AC. You’ve got the most beautiful laundry line in the world! I also loved the glimpse of your glass house in the distance. It looks very cozy. And of course, the back-lit leaves are gorgeous! Once again, you’ve shown us your wonderful, creative ”eye.” Enjoy the week. I hope it’s filled with sunshine.

  6. That light through the leaves is such a beautiful image. I like the extraordinary clothes line that you have 🙂

    Isn’t it interesting that the first photo could be interpreted as ”the ordinary” or leaves which have ”seen better days” or as ”autumn”. One image, many interpretations.

    • Thank you for an interesting challenge! At first I found it difficult to find what I wanted to express – but I love challenges that makes you think extra…

  7. Perhaps we have reached maturity when we recognize the beauties of the ‘ordinary’ and are able to enjoy and appreciate it often . . . not having to wait ‘eternally for the extraordinary . . .

    • Maybe you are right…and I have always felt ”old” in thought and reflections. An old woman once told me I was an old soul in a young body. Some of us are, and some never mature it seems. Right now I feel rather old in both body and soul…

  8. Hi Leya

    I was eagerly waiting to see your selections for this topic and I wasn’t disappointed. Your lead quote seems a universal truth “As you get older, you want less from the world; you just want to experience it. Any barriers to feeling emotions get dismantled. And ordinary things become beautifully poetic. – Richard Linklater” Your photo of the adventurous vine climbing your laundry line is superb, clothespins and all. Really.

    Here’s my offering for The Ordinary Lens Artist challenge:

    Beautiful Great Blue Heron Gets Lucky

    Best, Babsje

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