Thursday Thoughts – Chasing Colours

Every day I am hoping for the colours to arrive… but it is raining, pouring, every day. This morning though, there was a pleasant fog and the occational glimpses of sun. Which made for a lovely walk with Milo!

– Still not many colours so far along the path.

But, I found a single tree that had noticed my wish!

Otherwise, nothing. All this rain and no frost – will keep everything green for a while.

Muted colours and the sun was gone again – but no wind, so the harmonious tone lasted. I will let you know when I find them all…the sun and the colours.

37 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Chasing Colours

    • Yes – we were lucky to have sunshine today, and the greens are green…but my autumn flowers are hanging soaked and listless. The autumn glory! Why did my last flowers have to go before unfolding properly? Well, last year we had a beutiful autumn.

  1. I, too, here, am feeling a change in the air, but watching the colors of the plants on my place/in my area – – and the insects – – and pondering it all – from the perspective of pondering the various messages being shown to me, the color of the leaves, the number of flies or spiders in a hurry to move into the house, how bad does my knee hurt and when does the local weather forecaster say we are in for a HARD freeze soon….. All of it? Just waiting to see – when they all decide to get congruent with ‘one message’ – FALL turning towards WINTER, is DEFINITELY on it’s way in!!! LOL

  2. Beautiful autumnal images, Leya. Sounds like autumn has well and truly arrived for you. The autumn colours are certainly starting to show. Here in Melbourne we are in Spring. It’s still chilly but we got a few sunny days in between the windy and rainy days. Hope you are doing well over there. Take care.

  3. Dear Anne-Christine,
    it’s the same here, the leaves haven’t turned towards red and yellow. We are sure that will come soon. My sister living in Cologne told me about the fun walking through masses of fallen down leaves yesterday. Here the trees still have most of their leaves.
    Wishing you all the best
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Thank you, Margaret – yes…I think the leaves will only be yellow, brown and black – falling to the ground. The rains make them stay without red.

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