Thursday Thoughts – The walk to Grenen, Skagen

A two hours’ walk to reach the top end of Denmark, where the two seas meet – The North Sea and The Baltic.

The Skagen lighthouse – looking back when we started walking. We hoped to reach Grenen before sundown.
We could see the land’s end from our starting point, but as usual, the eyes do not tell the truth about the distance…

Tough winds and soft sand made the walk feel even longer. But the play of light and shadow over land and sea had me intensely occupied.

Sand finds its way in if you don’t wear the right clothes.

Finally there – some people running to get to the last tiny spot of land… and some even braved the waves for a photo.

A tough walk for small children – happy to have a strong dad at hand! And, we all made it just before sunset.

44 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – The walk to Grenen, Skagen

  1. It seems I am one of many fortunate ones to walk in the sand with you . . . we can all wish – I would wish you to be here in northern New South Wales to walk along with me south from the Cape Byron lighthouse . . . actually a rather similar feeling=world but in all probability more pacific weather . . .,

  2. I was with you in spirit. I’ve just come down from watching the clouds march across the skyline, up on my roof. We walked in the salt marshes this morning. Still a bit too warm for our first walk of the season, but the company was wonderful.

  3. Dear Ann-Christine,
    what a great walk! Beautiful pictures of the sea and beach. It was quite a walk, wasn’t it?
    Keep well and happy
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

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