Lens-Artists Challenge #164 – Looking Up/Down

Sofia of Photographias is our host this week – welcome! In a way, she continues Amy’s lovely ”Keep Walking” by wanting us not just to look around ourselves, but also to look up and down:

”So, what have you discovered when you looked up or down? Were you surprised?”

My garden is still filled with fluttering wings and buzzing bees this autumn. Sunny days with no wind – and I go out in the mornings to enjoy the last colourful flowers, butterflies and bees. My Buddleias have grown very high, about three meters, so I mostly look up to find the little beauties eating breakfast in the warming sun.

I was surprised to see a common brimstone – they haven’t been here since Spring. Hundreds of butterflies come to my garden every day, but now in September mainly red admirals, peacock butterflies and small tortoiseshells. The occational comma and cabbage butterfly.

When I look down, I find the hydrangeas are already fading into their new beauty – laced and plumcoloured. I don’t really know which way I like them best…but these silent, warm Septemberdays, I so love them.

On our trip to Denmark some weeks ago, we walked to the northernmost tip of the country to see the North Sea and the Baltic Sea meet. The sky was spectacular, and we remembered the 19th century Skagen painters who used to come here because of the magical light.

Time to look down as we reached Grenen, where the two seas meet. A tough walk in the strong wind, but beautiful waters awaiting. Quite a special feeling to stand there in the flying sand to the sound of clashing waves. Michael Ancher’s famous A Stroll on the Beach seemed a bit far away though…

They say the two seas meet in different colours. It was rather dark when we finally got to the point where they do meet – but maybe you can see a faint difference in this photo if you look closely? Anyway, it is time to look both up and down when you come to a special place like this.

Please go to Sofia for more inspiration, and if you join us, please include a link to her post and use the Lens-Artists tag so we can all find you.

Patti at Pilotfish will be our host next week, 11th September. Until then, we are looking forward to seeing your ups and downs. Stay kind and cool.

66 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge #164 – Looking Up/Down

  1. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-165-Going-Wide – WoollyMuses

  2. Pingback: Beautiful Great Blue Heron and One Special Feather | Babsje Heron

  3. Hi Leya

    I liked this week’s challenge so much I decided to participate again – I hope that’s ok! The light on your seascape photos is indeed magical. I wasn’t familiar with the 19th century Skagen painters before reading your post, but I like to imagine them sitting before their easels painting those glorious waves.

    Here’s my offering, with what else? Photos of a Great Blue Heron…and me:

    Here’s Looking at You Blue Heron

    Best, Babsje

  4. Pingback: Here’s Looking at You Blue Heron | Babsje Heron

  5. Both garden images and those from Denmark are lovely. The Brimstone is quite rare here – I would love to have one in my garden!

  6. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-164-Looking-Up-Down – WoollyMuses

  7. Hi Leya

    The depth of field in your first photo of the butterfly or moth having breakfast in the sun is perfect. The water scene with the waves below gorgeous clouds above reminds me of a 19th century painting, it is that beautiful

    Here’s my offering for this challenge, belatedly. It includes both a Heron and a Meteor – but not in the same photo. 😊

    Great Blue Heron and Meteor

    Best, Babsje

  8. Pingback: Great Blue Heron and Meteor | Babsje Heron

  9. September is such a lovely time of the year in the northern latitudes. The days are still rather long, and if the weather is warm and the sky clear, it is time to slowly gear up for the rest of the year. The shot of the sunlight through the butterfly’s wings is wonderful.

  10. Thrilled by the atmospheric sea photos . . . the wondrous light ! Somehow cannot believe your summer is saying farewell . . . so very short even if special ! We are in the first week of spring . . . a different one from you . . . . bright sun, totally calm and 26 C where I am . . . guess you would almost call it summer . . . we now have seven months on a warming trend . . .

    • Eha – hope you will not have many fires again though. Spring sounds just great. In fact we have the same weather and temperature here now for a couple of days. A bit too warm for me – but soon the rains and darkness will make us long for light and warmth again.

      • The fires lasted six months where I live and twice came within 100 metres of this gated Village. From the north, then west, then south . . . I was immensely lucky not to lose my home . . . and it changed something in all of us . . . Am hoping for relief this year . . . the weather gurus think we have had enough showers weather and the bush has not as yet had a chance to regrow . . . you know the soot from our fires ended up on the glaciers in New Zealand 2000 kms away . . . melted a lot of the ice and covered such with brown . . . !

  11. Wow, AC! This is spectacular! I love your images from Grenen! They are fantastic. I can see why the Skagen painters chose that location. What light! Your post is so uplifting and beautiful, AC. Thanks for that! I hope you continue to have lovely autumn weather and plenty of walks.

  12. Lovely light in all of these but I think the first is my favorite with the light showing the inner butterfly. I miss the butterfly plant we had outside our living room window in Illinois. It was so much fun to see what would turn up there. (Just FYI–”meet” in ”two seas meat”.) 🙂 I hope you don’t mind. I always appreciate people catching my mis-typings.

  13. When I saw that gorgeous butterfly bush I inhaled deeply through my nose and could almost smell them! We used to have a couple bushes here, I think it’s time we grow them again. Lovely photos!

  14. The light you’ve captured is glorious indeed Ann-Christine, as is the power and beauty of the sea. But the light that comes shining through in your post is the one in your soul, which always finds a way to capture and embrace the magic that surrounds us all.

  15. I always learn something from your posts, Ann-Christine. I didn’t realise there’s such a place in Denmark and your photos clearly show where the seas meet. Simply fantastic! I can’t pick a favourite photo, they are all so diverse and beautiful but I do envy the amount of butterflies you get in your garden. It’s rare to see any around here, but I do get a lot of bees…

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