Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #160 – Your Inspiration

This week starts with Patti at the helm, and then the other Lens-Artists too will be back from the summer break.

But first, we’d like to send special thanks to our 5 guest hosts who led the challenges so wonderfully and
skillfully in our absence –

John Steiner of Journeys With Johnbo, Anne Sandler of Slow Shutter Speed, Rusha Sams of Oh The Places We See, Beth Smith of Wandering Dawgs, and Ana Campo of Anvica’s Gallery. Your themes inspired
some terrific photographic fun for all of us!

Please visit Patti’s inspirational post, where she also uses quotes from artist Agnes Martin.”Agnes Martin pinpoints two key elements of inspiration–the quality of light in a place and our feelings at that moment.” As I see it, there is no need for further explanations. Light is everything and through natural light I feel inspired.

My main inspiration is Nature, and always has been. I guess many of you already know. Patti continues: ”For Martin, happiness and beauty are interconnected. Both are conduits of inspiration.” I totally agree. Both of these I need, and also get when I am alone in Nature.

Other than light and nature – I would like to say something about us, humans. Because, other people and their work get me inspired to make things, produce things, invent things…Good people, dedicated, accurate and meticuluos people are always inspirational – I admire every one of them. They make it an Art whatever they do. I was rather good at this when I was younger, but age, retirement from work – and then a year and a half with corona – unfortunately have made me less meticulous. Some things just seem to have lost much of their importance.

Creativity and creative people – are hopefully inspirational for everyone of us.

I am fortunate to have several creative people in my family and among friends. In little things as well as bigger things.

Is this ordinary laundry (not on a lamp this time ;-D…) swaying in the wind? No, it is installed there by the owners of the house, instead of a hedge or a high fence. There is a road some 20 meters behind it, and this is an efficient way of pleasing the eye from both directions… Even the colours are carefully chosen.

And in their garden you will find a beautiful grand lit placed among the wildflowers. They call it their ”sunbed”. What the owners do, is relax on that bed whenever they feel like listening to the sound of crickets, birds and all the busy insects in their haven… And silence. The best of rooms under the sky ceiling.

Maybe after your rest, a short walk down to the lake for an early morning- or late evening swim? Inspiration arrives with the water enveloping you. (The image below was made around four o’clock in the morning – and so is the opener)

This week, we are inviting you to share photos of Your inspiration. It can be a place, a subject, a person, or a book, for example. Actually, it can be just about anything that inspires you.

Please include a link to Patti’s original post and use the Lens-Artists tag so we can find you in the WP
Reader. Your creativity is always inspiring and your continued support means so much to us.

Looking back – thank you Ana for a real postcard treat, (you made me find my old box of memories!) and ahead to August 14, when it is my turn to lead the challenge for LAPC #161. Hope to see you then too! In the meantime, have a wonderful and creative week and please stay well and be kind.

68 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #160 – Your Inspiration

  1. Wow to that fixed laundry scene! 😮 I must say that I prefer random wind-blown Italian laundry style. 😀 But I understand your admiration and inspiration and where they come from. It’s mighty pretty.

  2. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-160-Inspiration – WoollyMuses

  3. Pingback: Beautiful Great Blue Heron Glamour Shot and Focus on Feathers | Babsje Heron

  4. Your pictures always inspire me, Ann-Christine! That first image of the trees and water is beautiful. And I love the idea of the washing on the line! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on what inspires you.

  5. Simplicity is a divine beauty..old fashioned laundry lines, crrative hand works…and nature´s pure bliss–these are my inner mantra.Lovely take on this challenge Anne Christine!

  6. What a lovely and creative way to use a drying laundry! Amazing. I also love the photo of the trimming of a hedge. That attention to detail is such a wonderful characteristic of all the creative people I’ve come across.

  7. Your collection of examples is inspirational in itself, but my favorite is the hedge trimmer. He is truly showing that his work is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration (to misquote Thomas Edison.)

  8. Wonderful images and story, Ann-Christine. The calmness of your first and your last image make me want to sit down and capture the sight of „eternity“ with my soul. Very well done 👍

  9. Have to laugh at the laundry-line . . . remember back into my childhood when our family laundress made me pin every garment as neatly . . . ‘no, no child, I said properly – otherwise it is harder for me to iron !’. She had a point – the irons were heated on the cooking stove and there were no synthetics around as yet . . . I am still as neat as the [picture shows . . . !

  10. Hi Leya

    I hope your July time off was replenishing! Welcome back. I adore the photos you have chosen for this one! Especially the laundry scene with the lovely yellow flowers and the field of flowers in front of the house. That bed out in the field is genius – what an inviting place to lounge and breathe in the sounds of nature, birds, crickets, a gentle breeze!

    Here’s my submission this week:

    Beautiful Great Blue Heron on a Misty Morning

    Best, Babsje

  11. Pingback: Beautiful Great Blue Heron on a Misty Morning | Babsje Heron

  12. Oh that sunrise and the bed of flowers! I love them. Like you, I’m happy that we have creative people in our family and among our friends. They are always so inspiring. I know what you mean about covid affecting creativity. Sometimes we just feel worn down and worn out from it. But our creativity will come back, I’m sure. It’s a gift we all share. Take care, too, and enjoy your weekend.

  13. Oh that bed is so fun and great place to listen to birds and relax!
    Something very humbling about seeing laundry hanging out and then the natural garden had a nice contrast yet harmony too – human clothes and nature’s flowers – ☀️☀️☀️

  14. Wonderful post Ann-Christine! While they are all beautiful, my favorite is the laundry line. Not everyone’s laundry can flap in the wind with an amazing background and lovely wildflowers.

  15. Beautifully said and done as always Ann-Christine. Loved your nature images – I too found nature to be my most inspirational muse and so greatly appreciated your opening comments and images. Your friends are very creative indeed! But your glass house is my idea of the perfect way to enjoy nature without actually being in it!

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