Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #159 – Postcards

This week Ana invites us to the world of postcards! I am old enough to have received and sent hundreds of postcards, but I admit I haven’t kept them all. – Ana says: ”You can show us some of your pictures that you would send as postcards to someone you love. Or you can simply share with us images of your favorite places.

If you have a garden full of flowers, show us a beautiful and colorful collection of floral postcards. It doesn’t need to be your garden, It can also be your neighbour’s.

If you have some real postcards it would be great if you would like to share them with us, I’m sure they have a nice story behind them.”

I was so thrilled by this theme, that I immediately went looking for my box of postcards – even though I knew I had not kept but a fraction of all I got over the years. As we have rearranged everything in the cellar the last year, they were not easily found – but finally I did.

I will start though, with a couple of my own images, that I would have loved to send as postcards to my friends – from the Verzasca valley in Italy and from Reykjavik. They have something important to say about their place, with no words needed on the picture page – only on the other side of the picture. I used to write quite a lot when I sent my cards, loving to reveal details and experiences. Nowadays the joy is not the same – I agree with Ana – sending an mms is another story…

My box opened, I sat for hours today, in memories, reading messages from near and far, from people long since gone, old friends, collegues and relatives. Birthday greetings, words of wisdom…the upper card on the right saying:

Life is not about the days we have lived, but the days we remember.

I picked some different cards, from people I love and loved, and remember some places where I have been a visitor myself as well. The Acores I have been to several times – and always loved it. But this card comes from our neighbours who toured the world (in 2003 I think). Sometimes the cards are not dated, and the stamp not clear enough to read.

Tenerife and Teide was a yearly visit when the children grew up. Wonderful nature and not much snow wintertime…We often went with friends and children the same age as ours. The lovely Moomin valley in Finland was such a treat – for us grown-ups as well! Many Swedish families visited Finland when the Moomin series were on TV.

Bretagne shows a postcard in a postcard – rather beautiful I think. And then Kashmir, my cousin worked for many years in Pakistan and the area around there, as an ambulance nurse. He sent me cards to calm me down – showing he was still alive. So, the reason for sending cards vary!

The green, middle card, is from a painting made by a local artist – now dead since long. But I met him several times, a very special man. He had a nice pottery too. The forest motif was painted from my home forest.

The last two cards both came with encouraging messages from dear friends. One soft and sweet, the other one fiery – Cards And Senders… In fact I find it interesting to notice how different people pick so different cards to send. And handwriting – that is no more – was an amazing way of showing your personality. Times gone by…

As for the opener, I have featured a postcard from my daughter when I finally had set up my glass house – Oh, the joy! So, in my family, we still send handwritten messages to each other. Feeling the warmth!

Thank you, Beth, for taking us along so many lovely country roads! Please visit the excellent work done by all the previous guest hosts this month:

John Steiner of Journeys With Johnbo – “On the Water

Anne Sandler of Slow Shutter Speed – “Black and White

Rusha Sams of Oh The Places We See – “Getting Away

Beth Smith of Wandering Dawgs – “Along Back Country Roads

Remember to link to Ana’s post and use the Lens Artists tag. Next week, we will return to our regular schedule.  On Saturday, August 7, Patti will host LAPC #160 Your inspiration, which can be a place, a subject, a person, a book–just about anything that inspires you.

Until then – stay kind and safe.

58 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #159 – Postcards

  1. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #159 – Postcards – http://danielscottrealtor.wordpress.com

  2. Isn’t it fun how postcards can trigger great memories of people and places? I’m glad you found your collection – I love the arrangement in the collage. You also have so many beautiful photos that could translate into a postcard business! 🙂

  3. Oh how fab. It’s a shame isn’t it, that few of us now send postcards while on holiday – in fact they’re often not easy to find. Thanks for this lovely selection.

  4. Thank you for sharing your postcard collections. Theys are precious and share the sweet memories. I remember I used to spend a lot of time to pick a few postcards. 🙂

  5. What a beautiful collection of postcards Ann-Christine with so many lovely memories – so glad you found the box again 💜

  6. What a lovely response to the prompt! I love postcards … on any trip, I’d have to find postcards either to send to friends and family or to keep for myself. I wish I had a picture of it now, but in my early work days, I had a corkboard that I put postcards and greeting cards on as well as other mementos. I carried that corkboard around for almost twenty years, from one office to the next. Now I’m retired and so is the corkboard 😉

  7. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-159-Postcards – WoollyMuses

  8. I only open the boxes when I have time to spare because I know I’ll lose at least half a day with them. But it’s a good loss and I loved sharing yours. Happy August, Ann-Christine 🤗💕

  9. It is sad that we have lost the art of the personally written postcard. Your post is a reminder of those times before I lost the desire to send a card and have resorted to email. I probably should rethink that attitude.

  10. I loved your publication!!!
    The two images you chose as postcards are beautiful, I would buy them.
    And your collection of postcards and reminds have touched my heart. I find it wonderful that you still keep them, I have to confess that I could not find any old ones.

  11. I so enjoyed your response this week Ann-Christine! I love that you’ve kept your postcards, what a wonderful opportunity to share them with us. You are so right, the personality of the sender definitely comes through in their choice of cards. I too miss the feeling we would get both from sending and from receiving these little gems. The card from your daughter is, of course, absolutely perfect! It seems she has inherited her mother’s warm heart ❤️.

    • Yes, I was happy to find the box and take the opportunity. Many stories there – a hit theme from Ana. And Emma’s card, yes, it is a Finnish artist doing them, and all about two old ladies doing wild and adventurous things. So lovely. Emma is a gem, she is.

  12. I used to love getting a postcard and remember sending them and trying to cram as much writing on the back as possible. There was always a day in the trip that would be for writing postcards and then going to find the post office.
    You have posted some lovely ones

  13. How very foolish we can be in our younger years ! I remember postcards from my childhood penfriend days always having loved to connect and write . . . and somehow when managing big piles of ‘stuff; every rime one moved in my case, the old box of cards somehow became one of the casualties . . . . total immaturity and inability to look into the future . . . ! Your bridge photo really ‘talks’ to me . . .

  14. So wonderful Ann-Christine. I am glad your rummaging around the cellar paid off with lovely postcards. I would have to do a huge hunt to even locate mine which I fear have long gone. 🙂 🙂

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