Thursday Thoughts – A Swedish Tudor Castle

Tjolöholm Castle is in many respects a fairytale castle. The castle was built 1898-1904 by James Fredrik and Blanche Dickson. In fact it was Blanche who finished it, as her husband died shortly after the plans were ready.

The young architect, Lars Israel Wahlman, combined the Tudor style with modernities from the turn of the century such as showers with circularly flowing water, electricity, central heating, and a vaccuum cleaner (so big and heavy that it had to be drawn by horses). The intention was to create a home that was both comfortable and dignified.

Parts of the castle were being renovated when we visited, which of course made it more difficult to take decent photos.

Some of the most impressive ideas and rooms were the bathrooms with the special showers. All ordered from Liberty in London – the worksmen as well!

I also loved the fashion exhibition, grand royal 19th century, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert depicted from majestic festivities to the family’s private sphere. The Dickson family had moved from England and bought Tjolöholm to build a new home. The style is Arts and Crafts, and the whole interior is intact. A very unusual thing – rather fantastic. The furniture, tapestery and almost everything indoors was bought from Liberty in London – a company that still exists.

The lady’s riding costume certainly makes for the side saddle…

Rooms I really loved seeing were the children’s rooms and the flower arranging room.

Then…rooms with very special things in them or special thoughts guiding their interior decoration.

I especially want you to look at the green carpet room. The entrance to the room was meant to lead the eye along the (very) green broadloom (?) and through the window, out in the green of the garden. To create a feeling of wholeness – indoors and outdoors nature. The player piano or pianola in the last picture, is one of the last existing, working pianolas. The many boxes on top of it contains pieces of music for the instrument. The lady, one of the guides, offered to play the pianola for us. It worked perfectly well!

There is much more to be seen in this charming Tudor castle, so I suggest you visit yourself someday.

There will be one more post from me on the Castle – and the beautiful castle garden. Hope you enjoyed a piece of the cake – I enjoyed your coming along with me!

34 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – A Swedish Tudor Castle

  1. This is a wonderful place, AC. I love the details here–the flower-arranging room, the vacuum that was so big it needed horses to pull it!! I like the fact that the rooms are scaled down so they don’t feel overwhelming and cold. A lovely place!

  2. You’ve done an excellent job of portraying the beauty of the manor with your wonderful photography.
    I’m friend from Svalöv that Eha mentioned in her last comment, and yes we totally enjoyed the whole Tröloholm experience. The grounds are fantastic and the slott/castle/manor reminds me in ways of the Hearst mansion in Califonia. We finished our visit yesterday with lunch Storstugan the restaurant on the grounds, which was a very nice end to our visit. They make a very good räksmörgås.

  3. This is beautiful – I do love the Arts and Crafts style. It’s good to see the rooms properly furnished too. That green carpet room, seen from the entrance, is stunning!

    • Thank you, Amy. I think one of the most interesting castles I have ever visited. And the lady of the house behind every innovative thinking.

  4. Absolute;y fascinating ! The idea, the execution and the outcome ! One can actually imagine the people living in it . . . and it comes from my grandparents era not so far back !! Am totally ignorant – does it stem from Skane County ?

      • True story ! Sent this to an American friend living in Svalov yesterday – back came an amused note saying that he and his wife were just getting in the car for their first road trip since Covid began . . . would you believe a few days in Gothenburg with this stately home already firmly on the agenda !!! -Small world !!!

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