Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #151: From Large to Small

Patti invites us this week, for a different challenge. ”…pick a color and select several photos that feature that color. Start with a photo of a big subject in that color (for example, a wall) and move all the way down to a small subject in that same color (for example, an earring).” She reminds us of size constancy and the importance of easily recognizable objects for comparing. You will see some of this in my images, but in some there are no perfect objects for comparing.

So, should I go for my favourite – green, or…no, I think I will choose white! And I will tweak it my way.

I could make it easy for me and choose a B&W image – surely there will be much of white in it…

But, I don’t think that is what was expected of me. Instead I will chose a fluffy arctic white cotton grass.

The flower itself is not big, but together they make a massive impression.

And another massive explosion – of tiny water violets – makes for an almost whimsical White view… So, many small dots will finally conjure up that big wall.

Anyhow, let’s leave the wall for now, and go to the white skies over the old whaling station,

and lichen in spots. To me, white is still the dominating impression. But, are the houses Hobbit size under that big sky and can you hold the stone in the palm of your hand?

In this picture, white is no longer the main colour impression – but, the church is still a Big building…

Ribwort Plantain is a resident of my garden since long, and as a child I used to lie down in the grass, dreaming it was a star with plenty of planets swirling around it. Or a satellite sailing in the wind, the little white dots fluttering and flying in their own universe. I still love this plant, it always puts a smile on my face.

So, how is the relationship between large and small…how do we interpret what the concept says compared with the impression through our eyes? I do know one thing, that great walls are not only built of big bricks…but also of tiny and seemingly inconspicuous things. And That, is good to know.

Thank you, Patti, for a thought provoking, fun and diffferent challenge! Don’t forget to visit Patti and her inspiring site – and we hope to see you there under the Lens-Artists tag.

Special thanks also to Dianne Millard for hosting the Let’s Get Wild challenge last week. Her love of nature is passionate, as well as her photography. We were all entranced by your “wild” and wonderful photos.

Next week I will be hosting, at Leya’s, in LAPC #152. Until then, have a wonderful creative week and please stay safe.

66 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #151: From Large to Small

  1. Leya, your commentary shows that there are many perspectives to arranging photos from larger to smaller. I love the cotton grass. I’ve never seen it before. In CA we had just plain cotton. What I liked is that you took the smallest item, but a field of it made the largest impression of white, whereas the white church building with the white picket fence looked smaller in comparison. Very inspirational, Leya. 🙂

  2. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-151-Large-to-Small – WoollyMuses

  3. Such beautiful images, AC. I love your whaling station and that stunning church with the red door. The ribwort flower is gorgeous, too. Beautiful choices and a gorgeous collection! You have such a wonderful photographic eye!!

  4. I don’t know whether it’s too much of a twist on the subject or not but I do love your snow scene 🙂 And the water violets are very dainty and pretty!

  5. A lovely post Ann-Christine – all of your whites are beautiful. I especially loved your snowy scene (even tho it may have been a bit of a twist on the subject) and your wall of tiny white flowers. Your description of that one is wonderful. Terrific post as always.

  6. Such interesting (and white) photos A-C. As you know my colour this month is white and I am very happy to look at the beautiful whites captured in this post. The cotton grass and the Plantain are my favourite images, because they are so cleverly captured and yet so simple in their composition. You definitely have ‘the eye” of a true photographer. As for size, I think you have summed it up well with the rock. It could be a pebble or a huge rock, but the lichens are what I look at.

  7. Beautiful gallery as always..I enjoyed ever single image, but my favourite were the cotton grass and white-covered Winter landscape..everything falls into place and your approach is really authentic.

  8. Dear Ann-Christine,
    we don’t like photo-challenges but we like your pictures, especially the second one. Although they are all well done, taken and edited 👍
    Thanks for sharing
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • I am glad you like my pictures – and I would also rather live in a blogosphere without photo-challenges… But I believe they are of importance for new bloggers to get more ”known” and getting the chance to have more followers.

      • You are right, dear Ann-Christine, we never thought about this aspect. But does it work? We usually don’t comment or like posts of photochallenges. We have some blogger friends who react to these challenges in the same way. Well, people taking part in photochallenge give the feeling that they have nothing to say themselves.
        Wishing you a wonderful weekend
        The Fab Four of Cley
        🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      • You have a point there, but I prefer to think about the new bloggers I have encouraged to go on writing and posting…and be able to develop their own blogs in a creative way. When I was a new blogger, I kept writing poetry and commenting on other blogs for a couple of years until I got noticed. That happened when I posted on my travels instead of my main interest for blogging, and participated with my images in photo challenges. Not what I originally wanted. I never read food -, fashion- or diary blogs though. In fact I would prefer to finish my blogging. Or rather, post only when I feel for it. Maybe go back to my ”poetry” again. But I have met many wonderful people through blogging, and maybe I would miss the best conversations, like the ones with you for example.. At least I will enjoy this summer before I make up my mind.
        Wishing you a lovely weekend ♥♥♥♥

  9. Beautiful set, and full of flowers I don’t remember seeing: water violets, ribwort plantain…
    I love that church, like all the churches I saw in the distance while driving across Sweden.

    But I was really caught by your sentences ”dreaming it was a star with plenty of planets swirling around it. Or a satellite sailing in the wind”. Which generation before ours would have incorporates satellites into our childhood dreaming? We were the children of the space age. I wonder what new things the new century’s children dream of.

    • Thank you for a wonderful comment – and I never thought of us as the children of the space age…but you are right. And to my thinking, the new century’s children dream of other worlds…because we are destroying this one. Many children live in fictive worlds most of their days…

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