Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #Cool Colours – Blue and Green

For Tina this week, Cool Colours – let’s explore some ways the cooler colors appear in our world. Personaly, I prefer warmer tones, so they are my start and finish in this collection.

Flowers in this combination offer my senses great delight… But, get a bit cooler and land on a blue-green halfmoon…

…and you will have a great view of a beautifully dressed woman in a theatre in Denmark.

Back in Sweden again, how about an enchanting ”bracelet” made of glass from Tiffany lamps?

Or why not accompany some cool dinosaurs in the biggest stone pond in Europe?

When my adventurous senses have been satisfied –

I think I will settle for a late evening meadow in the vicinity of my home…
…or maybe rather a sunny walk in one of our national parks.

Blue and green go so well together, don’t they? Please go to Tina’s cool post for more inspiration!

Thank you for all your magical Spots and Dots last week – you really came up with the most creative and surprising posts! And I do believe you had fun with it – and so had we!

We hope you also enjoy this week’s Cool Colors and will join us with your own examples. Please remember to link your response to Tina’s original post and to use the Lens-Artists Tag. Finally, next week we’re excited to announce that our challenge will be hosted by Dianne Millard of Rambling Ranger. Be sure to check out her beautiful blog and watch for her post next week. Until then, as always, please stay safe and be kind.

104 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #Cool Colours – Blue and Green

  1. Pingback: We Now Interrupt our Regularly Scheduled Great Blue Heron Programming | Babsje Heron

  2. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-150-Let’s-Get-Wild – WoollyMuses

  3. Pingback: Great Blue Heron and Friends’ Saturday Night Baths | Babsje Heron

  4. Oh, my goodness, I just realized your name is Ann-Christine, not Leya! Oh, dear 😦
    Well, I love your selection of photos. My favorite is the last one, the tree looks like it’s cradling delicate leaves, branches outstretching like arms. So lovely!

  5. Pingback: Finding blues and greens in the city – Eat, Play, Live

  6. Wonderful post as always Ann-Christine. I love all of your examples but my favorite is that beautiful bracelet – is it yours?? Very interesting and varied collection – as always your nature shots are exquisite.

    • Tina, so glad you enjoyed them! The ”bracelet” is really an art installation – but looks like a bracelet… It seems popular!

  7. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-149-Cool-Colours-Blue-Green – WoollyMuses

  8. That bracelet is fabulous, Ann-
    Christine, and I’m only viewing this on my phone. Will pop back later for a better look. Last night we watched an episode of National Geographic about your beautiful country. The pines and the lakes… And the snow 🤗💕💕

  9. Nature gives us a lot of blues and greens, but that first one is a super image.I loved the penultimate photo, the blue of the evening, the dense copse of trees, and the lush grass everywhere.

  10. Hi Leya

    I adore the whimsy of your blue-green dinosaur statue and that Tiffany glass bracelet is to die for. Your sixth photo, however, is my favorite – it is very striking. The sense of perspective, the way the gorgeous clouds draw the eyes in and the strong shafts of sunlight below the clouds at top right are wonderful, and the wispy grasses along the foreground margin are a great contrast to the clouds. Lovely photo.

    Here’s my entry for this week’s challenge even though Great Blue Herons aren’t really blue at all:

    Beautiful Great Blue Heron at an Exhibition (Quirky Artist Stories Nbr 19)

    Best, Babsje

  11. Pingback: Beautiful Great Blue Heron at an Exhibition (Quirky Artist Stories Nbr 19) | Babsje Heron

  12. Dear Ann-Christine,
    we like the combination of green and blue although you say in German ”Grün und Blau ziert eine Sau” (green and blue adorns a pig). That goes back to Goethe’s normative ”Theory of Colour”. For Goethe those colours are an unharmonious combination which are neighbours on the colour circle. That is based on a wholistic theory of colours. Consequently the harmonious colour combinations are the complimentary colours as all primary colours are represented there (f.e. Red > Green {Yellow + Blue})
    We love most the first and the second last of your pictures.
    Thanks for sharing and wishing you a great day
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Thank you so much for commenting – and liking my pictures! I was enchanted by the barn owl the other day! I will take a closer look, but I am very short of time these days. My daughter is moving and the garden is filled with weed…Hope you are all well and the sun is shining!

      • Thanks, dear Ann-Christine, we are all well, our garden is full of weeds as well, and no sunshine today. We are always busy with books – our own library and for the book fair.
        Have a happy day
        The Fab Four of Cley
        🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      • The love of books is always here, even if I don’t read as much as I used to. Right now we are trying to manage the move of a neverending library of Emma’s. Always a book worm, and the whole upper section of our house is ”populated” by her books. She had to buy a flat big enough for them – 100m2
        Wishing you all a lovely weekend! ♥♥♥♥

  13. Oh, do I, do I dare to climb up into the spring sunshine . . . hmph . . . I was not talking to you, my back – stop laughing, I can dream !!

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