Thursday Thoughts – Earth Day

”EARTHDAY.ORG’s theme for Earth Day 2021 is Restore Our Earth™, which focuses on natural processes, emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking that can restore the world’s ecosystems. In this way, the theme rejects the notion that mitigation or adaptation are the only ways to address climate change. It is up to each and every one of us to Restore Our Earth not just because we care about the natural world, but because we live on it. We all need a healthy Earth to support our jobs, livelihoods, health & survival, and happiness. A healthy planet is not an option — it is a necessity.”

Earth Day is every day. Every day is Earth Day. What will you do extra for Mother Earth today? What do you do to help saving our only home?

I believe in doing positive things every day, small improvements will grow bigger when we do them together! One of my ongoing projects is making my garden an insect’s paradise. Food, space, home. I grow insect friendly plants and I provide food all year around from Spring to Winter. I let old fallen trees lie, I never use toxics in my garden and I see to it that plants are in flower all possible seasons.

Bee hotels are rather effective to use – I have four of them in my garden. Without bees in the world – we will not survive. Your every third bite is only there with the help of pollinators, bees.

Wishing you all a wonderful day from me and my garden – soon to be filled with flowers and happy creatures again!

31 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Earth Day

  1. You sound very committed. We were able to certify our yard as a Wildlife Habitat with the National Wildlife Federation a few years ago. I hope to do the same again in our new yet to be built home.

    • How great you like it too, Otto. Thank you for commenting! It is my haven and paradise too – and I try to develop it into a European jungle…

  2. I liked your idea of making your garden an insect-friendly place. I don’t like bugs very much, but I’ll try to get along with them.

    I also believe that every day we should take care of the environment, it is our home, our pantry, our way of life.

    I hope everything goes well, take good care of yourselves. 😘

  3. Wonderful shots of a garden in action! We don’t have a garden of our own, so we have to try to do our bit in other ways – re-use, recycle, re-purpose, re-anything-we-can. It seems so little, especially now the pandemic has deluged the planet in even more plastic. But apart from lobbying and campaigning, our own behaviour is the only weapon we have.

    • True – if we all do what we can it is better than nothing, and together it will be of some worth! I just heard on the news today that a process was on to melt down all plastic and use it again. I must say I thought that was already done, but it seems less than 20% is really recycled…

  4. Yes – every day is Earth Day and we can demonstrate it our actions. We are avid recyclers, and have been for many years. At our previous home, we also composted. I notice the difference in trash alone when we go south to the beach during winter. No only does the complex not offer recycling, but efforts in the town and state are minimal … and wow …. do I see a difference in the amount of trash we toss. Cheers to your personal efforts and thanks for your promotion that involved sharing your beautiful images.

    • Glad to hear about your recycling, and sad it is that this is not done everywhere. Heard Biden on the news today – the US is really back in the game.

  5. Lovely garden, well done! a happy place for all. I got a shock on 16 April when I read online a photo-story in ‘The Guardian’ with quality photos but sadly the story was about ‘Forests are not renewable’: the felling of Sweden’s ancient trees. Very sad they’re clear-felling old growth forest and replanting in monoculture plantations.

  6. Such a beautiful post A-C. It is so true that every day is Earth Day. We all need to take responsibility for the state of the earth and I am sure a lot of people have got more in touch with nature this last year, but I am also afraid that once things return to normal many of those people will revert to old habits. We really need governments to tackle the crisis we are in and start demanding change. Meanwhile the insects are happily enjoying my dandelions and daisies and self-heal growing in my lawn!

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