Lens-ArtistsPhoto Challenge #141 – Geometry

In this week’s Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #141, Patti has chosen Geometry for us to share images that feature geometric shapes. They do come in many different shapes, don’t they…so I really enjoyed this opportunity!

Images included from:

Sweden, England, Iceland, Ireland, Georgia and Morocko.


Looking back at last week, we were inspired by Beth’s interesting challenge, A Change of Scenery. The theme made us think extra about some special places we’ve visited, near, and far, from the archives or right now. They were both refreshing and hope inspiring.

Next week, I, Ann-Christine/Leya, will be hosting Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #142, so I hope you will join in, because it’s time for You Pick It – a topic of your choice. In the meantime, have a wonderful, creative week and please stay safe.

Remember to include a link to Patti’s original post and use the Lens-Artists tag so that everyone can find you in the WP Reader. You are welcome to join in!

61 reaktioner på ”Lens-ArtistsPhoto Challenge #141 – Geometry

  1. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-141-Geometry – WoollyMuses

    • Glad you enjoyed them, Tina – a fun challenge indeed. So much to choose from though, picking photos was not easy. The ”flower ball” was once made by Emma and is a bit faded now – but still here. Happy you mentioned the header image – a favourite from a room in Tblisi. Happy Easter!

  2. Hi, Ann-Christine. Lovely images for the challenge. I totally enjoyed your collection. I keep coming back to the shadows from the fence and the multicolored design at the end. The Jaguar insignia was a great idea, too! You’re the first one to include something from cars. I hope you’re having a good week with plenty of long walks with the dogs and sunshine!

  3. Great response to the challenge. As usual, I am drawn to the monochrome, especially the soldiers in the opening photo, but I really like that colorful ”flower” arrangement in your last image!

    • Thank you, John, this was a fun challenge to find photos for…so many optiona! And the flower – my daughter made this once, unfortunately a bit faded now. But still beautiful!

  4. The Jaguar is terrific, especially with the reflections of the apartments building hidden inside it. I love that ammonite too, the spiral now filled in with the grainy and irregular stone. And the choices you made for that triptych are terrific, each subtly more complex than simply Euclidean.

    As for the bazaar, I must say that the contents interested me more than the shapes 🙂

    • Glad you enjoyed this, I found the challenge fun to do. And yes, maybe the contents are more interesting really…I did not buy anything.

  5. Anything geometrical brings peace and harmony to my soul . . . even when busy as the three b/w portrait photos in the middle . . . methinks I could write a book of presumptions on the one on the left . . . .

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