Thursday Thoughts – In My Windows – Vårvinter

A short visit in my windows – because now the sun is shining in! Spring is knocking on the door, and this time of the year we call ”vårvinter”, a word for the season in between – between winter and spring. The name translated would be ”spring winter” in English. If you have another/the proper word for it, please tell me!

Windows – my glass house still wears its roses with pride, but in my home spring is exploding in every corner and every colour…

We are grateful to see the light coming back, lifting us up from the darkest season. Fortunately, I love all seasons and would not be without any of them! My favourite is spring, with Life returning. The cranes are calling, and the tits and finches are fighting already…Yesterday a flock of skylarks were sighted in the fields south of my home. Welcome!

40 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – In My Windows – Vårvinter

  1. We are having a bit of Spring Winter in Prescott, AZ, too. It’s much warmer, but flowers are not blooming yet even though we live on Blooming Hills Dr. But the temperatures are in the 50s and 60s F. The snow has long melted except for just a few shady spots. Your pictures are lovely and like you, Leya, I’m looking forward to spring. 🙂 Have a great weekend.

  2. Hibiscus grown in your glass house, Ann-Christine? And my favourite colouration 🙂 🙂 Love those frost patterns too, though they remind me of the real thing on my bedroom window when I was a child.

  3. I love the frost patterns and also what you did with the indoor photos. As for the season between winter and spring…when I worked in Steamboat Springs, we called it mud season! When you went into the library, you had to leave your shoes at the door. 😉

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