61 reaktioner på ”Life in Colour – Yellow

  1. These are gorgeous A-C. I love the avenue of trees, the sunflowers, that yellow house with the blue door and the texture of that deep egg-yolk yellow wall – fabulous! And all so sunny and bright. Definitely need the warmth today as it has snowed here in the far west of Cornwall! It is not supposed to do that!

  2. Dear Ann-Chrtine
    Great! We love YELLOW and especially yellow in combination with blue. Well, we did write a lot in our blog about the symbolism of yellow and our Master wrote many pages about yellow in his books about colours. Yellow is the colour of modern times, outgoing and therefore symbolising communication, it jumps on you, it’s extraverted. But every colour is polar, it is symbolising poison, betreyal and treason as well. It’s loud like the sound of a trumpet. For Goethe’s ”Theory of Colour” it’s ‘the coloured representative of light’ but you can see it as garish as well.
    Wishing you a happy day. We are soooo happy having lots and lots of snow now. We walked for hours through deep snow and Dina took lots of photographs.
    Keep well
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. Oh how lovely!I always loved the color Yellow…so bright and bubbly.
    My favorite was visiting Sunflower fields in Summer and the Yellow Tulips..!They were amazing.
    That Photo of the tiny Window is really an eye catcher!

  4. Wow, now that caught my attention. Those amazing colourfully decorated houses are so cheerful. Trees in autumn my favourite season. Is that a rose you captured in the last photo?

  5. The colour of joy and happiness in many nuances . . . am walking along the beautiful row of autumnal trees perchance looking for the brilliant yellow of Swedish rapeseed fields . . . . .

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