Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #134 – From Forgettable to Favourite

Tina wants us to show how we can make a forgettable image into a favourite one. She demonstrates it beautifully with several examples. It is a joy seeing the process from start to results.

I will take this opportunity to show something I recently found in Photoshop – a possibility to change the skies in a photo with almost one single click.

The original photo

So, why would I want to change skies in my photo? Well, since I don’t photograph in RAW, it sometimes happens my sky is blown out in white light, which makes it impossible to normalize in any of my software.

I realised only two weeks ago, that Photoshop now had this simple feature, so I wouldn’t have to go a long and tricky way to make the change. Suddenly this seemed worth a try, and I knew just which photo from the Galápagos Islands would make a good model for it. I had always felt a bit sad about the miserable sky in this picture, but could not discard it because it showed so well the spectacular landscape of just that island.

Naturally I had to try even more spectacular skies…but watch out for the reflections – in this case I had to modify the colours in the water to fit the skies.

We hope you’re willing to share similar experiences demonstrating your use of editing to improve results. Please remember to link to Tina’s original post, and to use the Lens-Artists tag.

This last picture many of you might recognize, it was taken in Jämtland some years ago. Using the swirl it turned out rather a favourite!

We very much enjoyed your responses to Amy’s “Photography Journey” challenge last week. It was great fun to follow you from start to where you are today! We are also excited to announce that next week’s challenge will be hosted by Sheetal of Sheetal Thinks Aloud. Be sure to check out her interesting blog and watch for her post next Saturday. Until then, stay safe and be kind – to yourself as well.

79 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #134 – From Forgettable to Favourite

  1. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-151-Large-to-Small – WoollyMuses

  2. It is interesting how much of an impact the sky makes on a picture. I think it really sets the mood. Think I like the last image best, you did a great job modifying the colors in the water. Although, your last image is my favorite, so creative!!

    • Thank you, Sylvia! As it is my first attempt at changing skies, I played around and enjoyed the many moods it created. No wonder the sky affects us humans as much as it does.

  3. Wow. I love that swirl effect and you did a great job replacing the skies. It’s so interesting to see different skies creating different moods. I like how you adjusted the color of the ocean, too, to reflect the different colors in the sky. What program did you use for the ”swirl?” I’m trying another PS technique this week, with terrible results…I’ve got to keep trying!! Your experiments worked out really well! Take care and enjoy the day, too.

  4. That sky change is amazing. It really enhances the other features in the image as well. I don’t have photoshop, but now I am really intrigued. I think I’d get carried away with the sky feature. I have quite a few photos from the beach which look fine except the skies are blown out (as you describe). I really enjoyed your post 🙂

  5. Wow, that sky replacement feature is almost worth upgrading my Photoshop for – it looks like a lot less work than the way I did it and is really effective. I spent so much time replacing skies that I didn’t get a chance to look at other people’s work – I guess I’ll have to start now.

  6. Leya, I love the swirl. I don’t think I have that one on PS Elements, but I’ll check it out. You sky changes were fantastic. I would never have noticed the reflections if you hadn’t mentioned it. Thanks for the great lesson. 🙂

  7. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-134-Forgettable-to-Favourite – WoollyMuses

  8. It is interesting how the sky changes effects the mode of the photographs. Of the snowy ones I do actually prefer the calm of the original image. 🙂Great examples.

    • Yes, many of us do like the calm one best. I don’t think it is forgettable, but maybe less interesting? I was rather taken aback by the great difference when changing skies.

  9. I really like the dramatic effect that the darker sky gave the image. I occasionally use sky replacement in Luminar. It’s probably a similar tool to what is built into Photoshop. I, too, have to be careful to watch the reflection in any water, especially if the water is still and especially mirror-like.

  10. I’m really going to have to get to grips with editing. You’ve all shown why it’s so worthwhile. Apart from the swirl. I’m alone I think in greatly preferring the original. Each to her own!

    • Because I am stubborn…I know, I know, Mike, …everybody speaks for RAW. Of course it is better, I used it some years ago. BUT, found it totally too much space consuming. I might try it again some day…

      • Not everyone is a believer I’ve found from talking to people about it. Since I’m so fussy I usually only keep one or two shots each time so backing up the RAW file is not such a big deal. Whatever you’re doing is working just fine, its all about the light anyway. 🌞

      • You are right about the light too, Mike. And yes – I might change my thinking about RAW. At least now I almost take no photos at all, so maybe it’s a good time trying again. Changing work flow would be easier when I don’t travel.

  11. One drawback to not shooting in RAW is Jpeg images get artifacts if saved over. They should not be worked on. I suggest you try shooting in RAW. I do the even in my cell phone. I love the new sky replacement tool. I’ve used it on water reflections too.

      • Space is cheep. I have never had a problem storing images. Wwhen I accidentally shoot JPG in my phone they are useless because they are have no dynamic range. Can’t pull details out of them and the colors are a limited set. JPEGS are only good as a final product to display on the web. You can find lots of information online on why shoot in RAW.

  12. Oh Ann-Christine, I’m just going to have to learn how to do those swirls – I so love them when you post them!! This one is particularly amazing the way the swirl goes right through the window! And yes, the sky replacement is very easy in P/S, it’s also easy to add your own skies to the original set which makes for a very natural solution. Loved your final version of the landscape photo, beautiful!

  13. I really love the swirl! I learned how to do that some time back from some blog post. However, I did not master the ability to keep part of the original focus in tact. I must give it another try!! Yours looks awesome!

  14. i like that swirl
    – and your sky edits and shares – i perks ply have stayed away from Photoshop because it is usually so time consuming – but maybe i explore a little more this year and try some of the easier sky options you described 😉

  15. Great post Ann Christine! I also love the new sky replacement feature in Photoshop. I’ve done the swirl filter, but it swirled the entire image. How did you get it to swirl part way? It made such a great picture.

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