My Favourite Landscape

For Terri and Sunday Stills #Landscape

My favourite landscapes – trying to understand the essence of this…leads me to Sweden, my home. The Spring forest and the open landscape with grazing cattle. My heart belongs here.

34 reaktioner på ”My Favourite Landscape

  1. That was such a beautiful and powerful image accompanied by your words! Thank you. Visiting from #sundaystills

  2. I too, love the Swedish landscape. Did I tell you I have family there? My sister married a Swede and she has two sons and five grandchildren there, all of whom visit me regularly here in the UK and I (normally) visit them a couple of times a year. I love eating fish in Sweden – best ever I think – and I love the breakfast tables in Swedish hotels with the great selection of knäckebröd. It’s one of the things I bring home every time I’m there, that plus ginger biscuits from Gothenburg.

  3. Looks good to me, A-C. I’m afraid the landscape of my heart isn’t where we live now, despite the beauties of the desert, but it’s where we need to be right now, so I’m good with it.


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