Thursday Thoughts – The Summer of 2018

My thoughts are, that we all need some flowers!

35 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – The Summer of 2018

  1. Yes! We all need some flowers!! I forgot I can’t attach pictures in your comments, to say ”I’m sending you a picture of a flower” and been awhile since I’ve taken/posted such things – – but – here? Hopefully the lovely white and purple homesteader irises are only 2 months away from popping their head out and surviving the spring blizzards/freezes – – hopefully? This year has enough moisture and spring that my big old lilac bush and the younger babies transplanted elsewhere will bless this place with their short lived, but oh- so lovely to smell, fragrant blooms – – – :). Mental flowers, blooms and blossoms sent your way! ❤

  2. I have said it before and will say again……. we all need memories, and I am glad we can make and share them with our cameras (and nearly forgot phones!). We are -5c today so spring seems along way away. 🙂

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