An Alphabet challenge! This week Patti invites us to share images that feature a subject on the letter A. We can also include signs and graffiti with the letter A. For an added challenge, Patti suggests capturing an image that illustrates a concept with the letter A, such as alone, abstract, or afraid. 

I have chosen Art, Arch, Architecture and Abstract.

The Rila Monastery in Bulgaria had me enchanted for many hours – and every time I look at the photos from that day…I remember the surprise that hit me when we entered the courtyard. Silence, and unbelievable beauty in the elaborately handpainted arches.

When it comes to impressive new artwork, one of my greatest favorites are The Kelpies in Scotland. We visited in 2014 when they were just put in place. The Kelpies are 30-metre-high horse-head sculptures depicting kelpies (shape-shifting water spirits), located near Falkirk, standing next to a new extension to the Forth and Clyde Canal. The Kelpies were designed by sculptor Andy Scott as a monument to horse-powered heritage across Scotland.

Abstraction indicates ”a departure from reality in depiction of imagery in art”. This departure from accurate representation can be slight, partial, or complete. Many abstract sceneries are absolutely natural…while others are manmade. A frosty car mirror in the header and an autumnal lake with reflected leaves above.
David Hockney – ”Me draw on iPad”, Louisiana, Denmark.

Thank you for all your inspirational entries for Tina’s challenge last week! A beautiful highlighting of the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi.

We are looking forward to seeing your new choices – please include a link to Patti’s original post and use the Lens-Artists tag so that everyone can find your post in the WP Reader. We hope you will join the fun!

Finally, stay tuned for Amy’s challenge next week – and until then, stay safe and well.

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #126: –Subjects That Begin with the Letter A.

60 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #126: –Subjects That Begin with the Letter A.

    • Thank you, Ana – happy you liked them – and I still regret not visiting the horses uplit in the night. I got to know that when we were back home!

  1. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-126-Action-Award-Avenues – WoollyMuses

  2. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #126: –Subjects That Begin with the Letter A. | Murtagh's Meadow

  3. I really love all the detail in your choices, especially that first image. Those horses are so unique and I’m glad to see the shot from farther away to get a feel for how big they are. Your abstract is beautiful – like a painting. 🙂

  4. The paintings in the monastery are amazing. I have recently been watching a program about African Renaissance: When Art meets Power and another series about Africa’s Great Civilisations which I found fascinating. The cultures, the artwork are simply fascinating and it is astonishing that a continent that had so many great dynasties in its past is where it is today.

    And those Kelpies are just adorable. 🐴

    • Sounds like interesting programmes, Jude. We have a channel for adventures and travel, history and discovery, where they have interesting gems too. Never seen these two though!
      And I never get tired of the Kelptes. If I ever come back there, i will go when it is dark. They are beautifully lit, a friend told me.

  5. That’s a jaw dropper of a monastery, Ann Christine! A fabulous shot! I always meant to go up to see the Kelpies but I doubt I could have done them justice like this. Thank you! 🙂 🙂

    • Thank you, Anne. I love them immensely – and they were such a surprise to see in real life! Impressive. With the light shining through they were magical.

  6. You do find some off-beat sites in your travels. I love that monastery, and how could I have missed those Kelpies when they’re (relatively) near at hand? And your own artistic contributions are wonderful too. Thank you!

  7. Wow… The Rila Monastery is magnificent. The giant horse sculpture reminds me the one I saw in Chicago. I love these two beautiful abstracts.
    Great choices, AC!

  8. Well Ann-Christine, as always your post is a true inspiration. What an incredible place that Bulgarian monastery is – simply glorious! And I was happy you included both the close-up and the wider shot of the kelpies as the latter gives us a true perspective of what a massive undertaking the sculptures must have been. Interestingly, you header of the car mirror was my favorite this week. Something about the beautiful pattern of the frost, and the sense of absolute cold it conveys, was magical for me. Wonderful post!

    • Thank you so much, Tina! And right now that mirror represents what we should have had for Christmas…frost. On the news they announced that this November, December was the least sunny ever in Sweden. Stockholm hadn’t had a single hour of sun.

      • OMG I don’t want to be dramatic but I honestly don’t think I could tolerate that. Do the Swedes use those sun lamps that are recommended here for those who suffer from Seasonal Affect Disorder?

      • I think some do. Some put up sheets on the walls if they do not have white walls. Then a tough lamp to that. Last year November was tough – 3 hours of sunlight. Now this year…Maybe three hours in two months…+ Corona darkness. We read abrout increasing depression.

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