Mother – Forever in My Heart

Early this morning, my mother unexpectedly passed away. This is the last photo, from August when we celebrated Emma turning 30. In the header, June this summer, Mother turned 85. Always a beauty, always shining, always funny, always – Always Mum.

Thank you for Everything. You chose such a beautiful day to leave us, warm and sunny, I believe the last day of summer. A day of no wind, of stillness and the yellow garden flowers glowing. But nothing can ever glow like You.

How frail is a life – yours went from laughing and joking on Monday, to gone forever Wednesday morning. Wherever you are now, I know your company is smiling.

144 reaktioner på ”Mother – Forever in My Heart

    • Thank you, dear Jane. This year, 2020, has been indeed trying for us all, but never did I think I would lose her now, as I was taking care of her and she could stay in her home. Her heart gave in. She did not suffer.

  1. I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. I know that where she is, she is definitely in good loving and fun company. I hope you take good care of yourself and family. Your life has definitely changed. I hope you can eventually remember your mother in love and laughter and wonderful fun times. Take it easy and know that I am praying for you sending you and your family warm loving thoughts.

  2. A-C, your mum and you are very lookalike. Such a beautiful tribute to her. I’m so deeply sorry for your lost. Hard to find enough comforting – but you know that I share your sadness and sorrow. LOVE in plenty.

  3. Hi, Ann-Christine. I am so sorry to hear about your mom’s passing. I am relieved that she passed peacefully and that your memories of her are loving and kind and funny and simply wonderful. My heart goes out to you and your family. I hope you find comfort in each other and your enduring love for your mom.

  4. Sending hugs and my condolences, Ann-Christine. I recall we were speaking about our mothers just a few weeks ago. I hope you can have your family around you to draw comfort from each other. Thank you for letting us know and sharing these beautiful photos of your mother. Our thoughts are with you.

  5. What beautiful, glowing photos of your Mum! I can tell that you really cherish her spirit and her life. I am caring for my mother, also 85, in hospice with lung cancer. I don’t know how much longer she has, but each conversation, each gesture and memory she conveys it so like her. I’m grateful to have this to etch in my mind’s eye forever. May you feel the peaceful gratitude of your loving relationship…always.

  6. My sincere condolences, Ann-Christine. My father‘s turning 86 next week and my mother is 78. Both of them are still very active and healthy. But we also have to have in mind this can change very shorthand. So, keep your memories active. There is a song by Trude Herr which title translates to „you never leave completely, something of you stays here“ and I believe, that’s true. Parts of your mother remain.

  7. I’m so sorry for your loss 😦 don’t know what to say since I didn’t know her but with your profile picture next to it here in the reader it’s amazing how much you look alike and I feel like I do know her a bit – and in a way she will live on through you and your wonderful blog 🙂

  8. I am so very sorry for your loss Ann-Christine. I’m glad you had those precious last moments with your mum. Sending much aroha and hoping that your family finds strength in each other in the times ahead.

  9. So sorry to hear that your mum passed away, Ann-Christine. What a lovely post to pay tribute to your mum. The August photos are precious. She was so cheerful and beautiful. Yes, she’ll be forever in my heart!

  10. Oh, Ann-Christine, I’m so sorry to read this, even though it is a beautiful tribute. Your two photos are full of love and beauty. I’m happy you have so many wonderful memories and were able to be there with her at the end. I’m also very thankful she didn’t suffer. My parents are 91 and 90 and I hope they go that quickly when it’s their time, even though I know I’ll feel the sense of loss you describe here. Praying for comfort for you, your family, and all her friends.


  11. Oh I am so sorry Leya, bless your mother in the heavens that carry her home safely to be with our Lord Jesus Christ.

  12. Oh my I am so very sorry. Such a sad day. A shock to the system and to your heart. It is some comfort you were with her in her final minutes. And what a sweet photo to remember her (one of many I’m sure). ❤️

  13. So sorry to hear this sad news. How fortunate you were to have her in your life for all those years!
    My mother was just 67 when she passed away. A difficult loss no matter when it occurs.

  14. I read the comment to sue and glad you had a little chance to talk at Hospital!
    Sending condolences and you can see her beautiful personality in the smile and softness of her face

  15. Oh, sweetheart- how awful! I read your comment to Sue. Such an awful shock and no preparation. But a sack full of happy memories to fill the days ahead. So sorry, Ann Christine. 😦 😦

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