Thursday Thoughts – Autumn is Coming

So now we are here…Autumn is inevitably coming to the northern hemisphere.

A short drive to town – and along the road the familiar landscape is slowly turning into soft autumn colours.


Some fields are aglow in the evening light. The harvest is in and a calmness is settling over the landscape.

This year, being a farmer has been a positive thing. Working outdoors all the time,  and the weather staying kind to the crops.

We have to take care of and treasure the few positive things this year – the year of corona. I returned home with a calmness in my soul and a soft smile on my lips. Just like natured showed me .


30 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Autumn is Coming

  1. I’m glad the weather has been kind to you. Our farmers are saying we’ll be short of flour due to our weather.

    I have found myself not wanting to go out some days – telling myself it was too hot or windy or wet – but I’ve usually ignored myself and have felt much happier for getting outside.

  2. We all need some inspiration these days and your lovely end of summer images do just that…and offer us some calm moments. I am not one to wish time away, but I will welcome Autumn with the hope for better times.

    • Steve – let us hope. Everything in the world seems a mess right now. We have to appreciate the little things…and we are fortunate to know each other, bloggers around the world. Calming and cheering! Trying to see positive things in the darkness.

  3. What lovely, positive images. Sadly, here only about half the crops were harvested before a period of heavy rain descended, and continues still. So for some farmers, the worries continue…

  4. Lovely photos of your countryside. With us the trees are still green but next month we will have the fall colors starting. Around us we have farmers fields with corn and soybeans. The soybeans are just starting to turn golden.

  5. I hope I’ll find calmness somewhere too. It’s kinda hard to breathe these days. Your photos are so serene

  6. These really are very peaceful and peace-filled shots. I especially like the first one with the wonderful leading lines and clouds. In Arizona, we’re looking forward to the fall, when it will cool down and I’ll be able to plant things and expect that they’ll grow. 🙂 It’s a new world.


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