Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #105 – Spring

Spring invites us into a fairy land of imagination where flowers bloom with joy, butterflies fly with song, and love dances with love.
Debasish Mridha

This week, Tina is our host on Spring. ”Noted by poets and lyricists as a season of hope and renewal, spring teaches us that despite (or perhaps because of) the hardships of winter, our world will once again blossom with new life.  As we continue to deal with the issues of the day, spring teaches us to remain hopeful despite our challenges.”

Yes, there will always be more written on Spring – the joy, the returning of the light and the renewal of life. In southern Sweden, where I live, the cranes are the first heralds of spring, gigantic V – ploughs in the skies, heading for their breeding places up north.

Magic birds were dancing in the mystic marsh. The grass swayed with them, and the shallow waters, and the earth fluttered under them. The earth was dancing with the cranes, and the low sun, and the wind and sky.

― Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

Every year, in March and the beginning of April, tens of thousands of cranes return from Africa to Sweden to rest at Hornborgasjön. This day, in 2014, there were more than 19000 of them. Their trumpeting calls were deafening, but their dancing joy was pure ballet.

I watch the trees all dressed up in the Spring,
While posing as they stand in line,
Placing their best foot forward, showing off their leaves and fighting for attention,
One tree at a time
Charmaine J Forde 

Trees are at my heart, and this forest is my home every day – not the least in May.

Spring is not a season; it is a mysterious illusionist who sets off fireworks in the depths of our soul!
Mehmet Murat ildan

When the rapeseed unleashes its yellow flames – I am there with camera, and eyes aglow.

It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.
Rainer Maria Rilke 

This cherry tree was planted when my daughter Emma was born, 30 years ago.

In the winter you may want the summer; in the summer, you may want the autumn; in the autumn, you may want the winter; but only in the spring you dream and want no other season but the spring!
Mehmet Murat ildan

I enjoy the spring more than the autumn now. One does, I think, as one gets older.
Virginia Woolf

Tina writes that ”We have been given the gift of time – to learn more about ourselves and the world around us, and to develop a new or renewed appreciation for living every moment.” I am convinced this is a lesson for us all, and even more for some. Hopefully we will come out better humans, humans knowing that we should not return completely to the old ways of living. What we need is a sustainable world – and that is the gift we must hand over to our children.

Thank you for all your funny, creative and lovely summer memories and we hope to see you next week, when Patti is our host for Autumn. Until then, stay safe and well!








83 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #105 – Spring

  1. Pingback: Lens-Artist-PC-106-Autumn – WoollyMuses

  2. Pingback: Lens-Artist-PC-105-Spring – WoollyMuses

  3. A-C, that top image … my heart went all fuzzy … so beautiful. And the forest image with a carpet of the wood anemone. It’s really hard not to love the Swedish spring. A lovely gallery and beautiful quotes.

  4. Your photos are stunning. The cranes – amazing. I also love the tree – marking the years since your daughter was born. That puts so much into perspective. We have so much to learn from what Spring brings into focus.

  5. Fabulous post, Ann-Christine. Your photos are breathtaking. I love your daughter’s tree and the forest near your home. I also share your dream: ”Hopefully we will come out better humans, humans knowing that we should not return completely to the old ways of living. What we need is a sustainable world – and that is the gift we must hand over to our children.” I couldn’t agree more!

  6. Hi Leya – so true about the gift of time – from you and Tina 🙂
    and your spring post – opening with that blast of pink was perfect – and then the trees with all that delicate lime – well seemed another great color to whisper of spring – and 19,000 cranes – that must be wonderful to see. and side note – the crane is a tough origami to fold and make – whew – 🙂

  7. All lovely, as always. But the one that took my breath away was the one with rapeseed. We saw this in the Palouse (Idaho and Washington) and marveled at its color and wavy appearance in the fields. It’s spring all right!

  8. you have the best photography, Ann-Christine. you see the world at its best! your spring images are breathtaking and descriptions are very uplifting. your are an inspiration! thank you for sharing 🙂

    • Oh, Wilma, you make me feel so good about this – thank you, thank you! My goal is always to be positive and sharing good and uplifting things. If I sometimes am lucky with this – then I am more than happy!

  9. Wow! Beautiful collection of images. I can’t select a favorite, but the field of yellow is surely striking. I’ve found it interesting, not being any kind of expert on plants, that yellow seems to be one of the most common floral colors.

  10. Your photographs are a sight for sore eyes . I visited Sweden last summer but your pictures make me feel as though I had barely scratched the surface . Those birds , the yellow fields , the pink blossoms, your write up fills me with so much joy . I suppose that’s what the spring emotions are all about.

  11. Your beautiful images really have me wishing that spring will arrive soon here in South Africa, Ann-Christine, so that this chilly winter we’re currently experiencing can be a thing of the past!

  12. Beautiful photos, Ann-Christine. I agree that we want spring to stay forever. We love spring for the birth and rebirth, for the freshness, for the green leaves and blossoms.

  13. These are all perfect, A-C. I can’t decide which I like best because I like them all. But the header photo appeals to me because it looks almost like snow, something we always could see in spring in the Midwest. Thanks for all the beauty, both in photos and words.


  14. Honestly Ann-Christine, every time I think I’ve seen your absolute best you seem able to do yourself one better! This post is simply exquisite. The images are wonderful, every one of them. And oh how I would love to have a chance to photograph those beautiful birds! I simply cannot imagine 19,000 at once! I visited Sweden when I studied abroad many, many, MANY years ago. It was summer and I remember thinking it was beautiful (and the people warm and generous) but you have opened the window far wider on its beauty. It would be wonderful to someday return.

  15. Beautiful photographs Ann-Christine, I especially love the gorgeous beach in the last image 💙 xxx

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