Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #100 – Long and Winding Road

Life gives us many challenges and between those challenges we have to learn to choose happiness. Happiness lies in little things of our lives like kindness, gratitude, learning new things, caring for all living beings on this planet. Life can become a beautiful journey with little effort. Purvi Raniga

The long and winding road is ours to walk – and in this quote lies what we all know in our hearts, and what we now have been given some extra time to contemplate and practice.


Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or a secret gate.  – J. R. R. Tolkien

We are, maybe for the first time, in such uncertainty and bewilderment for what lies ahead of us. We are without guidance, without previous knowledge or much scientific evidence concerning this new Corona virus… but we will learn. We have to.

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.  – Edward Abbey

In our daily talks, my grandmother used to say about Life: ”Who said it was going to be easy?” Being a child the meaning of that sentence was not easily understood. As I grew up though, I gradually found out how much truth there was in her words.

Trying times bring out the worst and the best in people. Despite this unruly world, I want to focus on positive things like inventiveness, creativity and kindness – the fact is, today I generally see more good people and helping hands than ever. Our individualistic life has in that respect taken a more responsible, humanistic turn.

When within yourself you find the road, the right road will open.   – Dejan Stojanovic

Pilgrims know that the road, the long and winding… is the message, the goal in itself. I believe that is what my grandmother meant to tell me. Her words were so well put, as a question instead of a statement.

Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost. Erol Ozan

So, I am a pilgrim, I guess we all are.

In 1989, I went hiking with my dog, in Lapland, Sweden. I met a young man from the Netherlands, Wim, who had come here searching for solitude and contemplation. We walked the path you see in the above photo, and decided to meet up again a week later as we were walking different trails the following week.

And so we did. To my surprise he told me that he had left the trail and got lost for two days. That year we had a lot of snow even in the last week of June, so he was unable to find the road marks. Smiling his funny little smile, he told me how grateful he was for having lost his way – because he had found new beautiful paths and his very own way back. More self confident, more relying on his own abilities. ”I can do this.”

There is a bend in the road. I don’t know what lies around that bend, but I hope for the best.
Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Mankind has always been curious, adventurous – but there is a balance to be kept, in order not to lose too much for the win in the end. Finding that balance is a delicate matter in its own.

At the end of every road you meet yourself.   – S. N. Behrman

With a dedicated heart, I am sure you can. And with this final quote, I will leave you walking your own long and winding road, while I continue mine.

The trials on the road to world harmony are no greater than the courage of those who accept the challenge.  – Carl Lewis


This week, Tina asks us to share our images and thoughts about the long and winding road. See Tina’s powerful post here.  We always appreciate your support and enjoy seeing your responses to our challenges. Be sure to link to Tina’s original post and to include the Lens-Artists tag.

Finally, we are excited to announce that next week the Lens-Artists team will be bringing you a very special event. Cee of Ceenphotography has graciously agreed to lead us on our next challenge. All four members of the Lens-Artists team will join Cee next Saturday at noon EST in response to her challenge subject. We look forward to seeing where she leads us, and hope you’ll join the fun as well.

105 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #100 – Long and Winding Road

    • I am glad you enjoyed it, Manja. I read it again now, and I can hardly understand how I could muster that post in the middle of Covid 2020…

  1. Grandmothers are very wise. Mine had a few sayings as well. These images are stunning and illustrate your quotes and thoughts beautifully. Many of them could be paintings. I agree – the good in people does come out despite all the adversity. That is what gives me hope.

  2. Gorgeous images, A-C, and equally beautiful words. Your grandmother’s words are very wise. My. grandmother used to say: ”The first 100 years are the hardest.” I think they both thought alike!

  3. Pingback: Lens-Artist-PC-100-Long-Winding-Road – WoollyMuses

    • Thank you – yes, I do. In fact we met again last spring in Holland, Keukenhof and spent a lovely walk and a memorable day together. After all these years! But we have kept writing over the years too.

      • Fantastic. Life is so great with the “people you meet along the way”. We once gave a ride to a young man hiking across country and just reached the Grand Canyon rim to rim. We spent the most enjoyable dinner with him, learning his “journey” and then dropped him at his new starting point. So interesting to talk with him . I too kept in touch.

  4. what a beautiful post and awesome photographs! loved your grandmother’s wisdom and hiking story. very insightful and inspiring. thank you! 🙂

  5. I agree with Tina’s comment wholeheartedly! Thank you for sharing your hiking stories, especially with the young man. Love all the photos, they tell stories. The last one is amazing….!!

  6. A beautiful post A-C. Love the quotes and all the photos, but the last one is just fabulous. I am sure I have used your grandmother’s quote myself, many times, to my own children!

  7. What a beautiful post! The images are glorious and the quotes struck a chord especially Edward Abbey’s. It perfectly summarized what Wim may have felt when he went off the trail. Feeling hopeful again:)

  8. I don’t think it could have been put any better, Ann Christine. Your beauty shines out of your posts like the beaming sun through your photos. Let’s carry on around the bend together? And congratulations on 100 🙂 🙂

  9. It’s lovely how your grandmother’s wisdom lives on you through Ann-Christine and the story about Wim made me smile. It’s great to leave the well-trodden paths and discover new ones 💜

  10. Oh Ann-Christine, this is such a wonderful, thoughtful, insightful post – I just absolutely loved it. Thank you for honoring our challenge with your wisdom, sharing so much of yourself for our benefit. I loved the story about your grandmother and about the man you met on your walk. Your images this week are outstanding.

    • Thank you, Anne! I so recognized myself in that little girl. Walking in her own thoughts for a long time – suddenly missing her parents. A little thinker, lost in her thoughts, and then…

  11. Simply a beautiful post, A-C, but my two favorite shots are the first, with the lovely shadows and sun, and the last, with the glorious light, although the little girl is adorable. Thanks for this. Your grandmother’s wisdom stands right up there with all the other apt quotes you mentioned.


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