Thursday Thoughts – And I do Love Cows!

Hiking in spring always means meetings with cattle.

And they are always very curious…especially when dogs are around.  In the opener a gang that followed us through their meadow and almost over the fence…

Old farmsteads with apple trees and cherry trees – what could be more beautiful?

Only the cows!

39 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – And I do Love Cows!

  1. I avoid fields with cattle in them, they are so curious that they scare me when they come close, and farmers here often have bulls in the fields too. But your photos are delightful. Though I am not sure I could make it over the fence on those steps! I need a handrail at both sides!

    • Haha, well, I have immense respect for cows. I know farmers who were killed and one of my dogs (about 20 years ago) ran into a field and got surrounded by cows. I thought this would be the last of her…but my husband went in and scared them off.
      I am not good at fences anymore. I have fallen a couple of times when walking the dogs alone, so I avoid trying when I have two dogs on a leash. A double handrail would have come in handy (!)

  2. Lol. I love this. One of my favorite hikes was near Konigsee . Bavaria. We could hear the cow bells all around us. I was in heaven. And then two cows decided to block the trail. Honestly , we were scared, not certain what they would do. Turned out they were friendly and I have pictures of my husband petting one of them. Thanks for reminding me of that day. I love cows too. Lol. Donna

  3. They are so laid back and yet curious about passers by. We have cows in the field next to where we live. They spend the winter somewhere else and come back in the spring. I am waiting for them to arrive this year. They belong to the farmer next to us.

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