Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #96 – Cropping the Shot

Patti challenges us to show how we crop our shots and why. See her own great examples of how to do here.

There is a vast difference between taking a picture and making a photograph.

Robert Heinecken

There are different ways to enhance a photo, and I am quite sure many of us use some kind of software to help deliver the feeling we want to shine through to the viewer. One of the easiest ways to change a photo considerably is by cropping it.

”This week’s challenge is a chance to explore a photo editing technique and the benefits of cropping the shot.  Show us how cropping helped to improve an image and create a desired effect.  Include the shot “before” and “after” so we can see the difference.”


I cannot say I am an avid ”cropper”, but often I do some minor cropping. I am fully aware of the photo losing quality if I crop it too much.

Today I tried to find photos where I could easily show how I think. In the header/opener is a photo from my garden and the magnolia in late evening light. Even if I like that photo, I was not happy about my house showing as a blue ”shadow” in the background. There was also a flare on the upper left hand side. I made a rather tough cropping and the result is only the brightest flower in focus. I still like that first image, but a close-up was my final choice.

A boat trip in Holland last spring went to an outdoor museum, and this is where we landed. I loved the orange and blue together, but the old factory was the main building,

so I cropped out everything on the right side of the photo. This also made the content more substantial. In the first photo, I found the ”division in two parts” disturbing, even if the skies were much more alive and the photo had a lovely ”painterly” feeling.

A final example is from a misty morning walk, where the path is a much loved one, but the image is in more harmony when its focus is far away to the upper right.

This was my final choice. The light green moving towards a darker nuance, instead of being a dividing part in the middle of the photo with darker green in beginning and end.

All in all, it is a good idea to put yourself the question Why should I crop? Because, there should always be a reason. And you always lose something in order to win something else. The goal is to make the first image the final image, but at least for me, it seldom is. I have noticed one thing though – I should trust my first thought/shot. Often I go back to it again – to find it wasn’t that bad…

Next week, we’re delighted to announce that Sue of Mac’s Girl will be our guest host for Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #97 on Saturday, May 16th.  Please be sure to stop by her site and join the fun.

48 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #96 – Cropping the Shot

  1. I love what you’ve done with the cropping. The choice with the buildings – the orange and blue – is perfect (in my eye). The path through the woods crop really does shift the mood. I appreciate the reasoning you explain – and yes, I agree, sometimes the first choice is the one to go with. And sometimes it is just the beginning 🙂

  2. Pingback: Lens-Artist-PC-96-Cropping – WoollyMuses

  3. Wonderful crops, AC. I especially love your first shot of the flower. Beautiful. I also love how you express this: ”And you always lose something in order to win something else.” I also find that it is true, as well as your next thought: ”The goal is to make the first image the final image, but at least for me, it seldom is. I have noticed one thing though – I should trust my first thought/shot. Often I go back to it again – to find it wasn’t that bad…”. For me, that is true. But 99% of the time I have to crop because my shots are usually crooked. 😒😒

  4. Beautiful images Ann-Christine and I prefer the original of the magnolia too. It has a lovely dreamy feel to it and I liked the little splash of blue 💙 xxx

  5. hi a. c. you have found an interesting selection for the theme, i especially like the last two pictures.
    best regards robert

  6. Some wonderful examples A-C, especially the second image which really focuses on the point of the image. I must say in the opener I liked the original very much. Perhaps because you knew the blue was a shadow of your home you cropped it out. I thought your magnolia was in front of a distant blue pond 🙂 You are too honest!

    • Well, I liked that first one too – for the light and mood, but you know…I am an honest person, always. Good or bad. I wish it was a pond…

  7. Great examples Ann-Christine. The first and last definitely are improved by cropping. I understand the crop on the second, but agree that the original photo has merit.

    • Glad you liked them, Anne! The thing is, there are often at least two photos in one…as you could see I crop for different reasons and sometimes I like both!

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