Thursday Thoughts – Hiking, but not 2020

For so many years we have hiked this beautiful national park during April…

…but not this year. We used to go the whole family, and all our dogs have made it to the top of the mountain at least a dozen times each. We follow the water for about an hour,

then the track turns around the bend and for a while we walk the footbridges.

I searched my archives to find some memories from years gone by,

and here is something of the early spring loveliness as we struggle up the tough slopes.

On the plateau, old trees have come to rest, and younger ones softly lean over the precipice. We stop to admire before the long walk down to the pond where we started.

I miss this hike, but this is 2020, the year of corona and covid-19.

I will be back though – I promise…maybe next spring.




36 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Hiking, but not 2020

  1. This looks like such a beautiful park where you always hiked each year. Water, trees, greenery, gentle slopes…all makes for peaceful walks. When you go back I am sure you will bring your camera and take us along with you 😊 This year has been a strange one. Hopefully things will be better soon and maybe you can hike again here later this year. Hope all has been well with you and your family, Leya. Take care ❤

  2. How lovely this place looks, rather like the New Forest, but with hills! I do like the boardwalk, I wish we had more boardwalks in places of nature as they are so much easier to walk on in wet and muddy conditions.

  3. So beautiful, Ann Christine, even with the bareness of the trees. You can almost hold the ‘peace’ in your hands. Oh… no- the dogs are barking! A lovely moment 🙂 🙂

    • Thank you for sharing these photos of this forest trail. Some of the trails near us have been closed but others are still open with advisory posted at the entrance about CV19. If we see any cars parked at the entrance we just keep on walking down the road. I believe you will be hiking on your trail again next year.

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