Lens Artists Photo Challenge #91 – Simplicity

And I learned what is obvious to a child. That life is simply a collection of little lives, each lived one day at a time. That each day should be spent finding beauty in flowers and poetry and talking to animals. That a day spent with dreaming and sunsets and refreshing breezes cannot be bettered. But most of all, I learned that life is about sitting on benches next to ancient creeks with my hand on her knee and sometimes, on good days, for falling in love.
Nicholas Sparks 

There is no greatness where there is not simplicity, goodness, and truth.
Leo Tolstoy,

Like all magnificent things, it’s very simple.
Natalie Babbitt

The older I get, the more I desire simplicity. – Andy Mineo

If you will stay close to nature, to its simplicity, to the small things hardly noticeable, those things can unexpectedly become great and immeasurable.
Rainer Maria Rilke

We have lost contact with reality, the simplicity of life. – Paulo Coelho


Patti’s challenge is to show what Simplicity means to you. Visit her blog and get inspired!

”As the coronavirus pandemic spreads and intensifies, many of us around the world are spending a lot of time at home, following governmental regulations to shelter in place.” … ” For me, this time also highlights the value of simplicity.” And I agree, in simplicity lies a great amount of love and harmony. Maybe we now are starting to resume contact with reality, and simplicity of life. Our planet and everything living is in great need of it. Let us stay in contact – always.

I think my images speak for themselves, but the opener…what is it? It is the soft edge of a rose petal – from a vase with ten roses standing on my table right now. I love them. Flowers, I must have flowers. Always.

Thank you, Tina, for the beautiful Distance theme! And, we’re delighted to announce that next week’s challenge will be led by our next guest host–John Steiner of Journeys with Johnbo.  Welcome, John!  Please stop by and visit John’s site next Saturday at noon.

Here’s our schedule for the rest of April:

As always, stay well, stay safe, and keep creating!





76 reaktioner på ”Lens Artists Photo Challenge #91 – Simplicity

  1. Hi Leya

    Your butterfly on the leaf took my breath away, posed so perfectly as though poised to leap off into flight without warning. Your lead photo of the petal is stunning and would be amazing as a piece of wall art 3 or 4 feet across.

    As always, thank you and the other Lens Artists again for continuing to host this creative space for us all.

    Here’s my submission


    Best, Babsje

  2. Pingback: Beautiful Great Blue Herons Simply Unretouched | Babsje Heron

  3. Your post brightened my morning and brought a sense of peace to my thoughts. I’m with you – I adore flowers, they are so wonderful, every detail of them can be used to accentuate a photo. Thank you! I hope you’re well and staying safe. xx

  4. Hello Leya, nice photos — your second one looks like a more optimistic version of an Album cover for a musical artist named Feist (the Album is called ‘Metals’). Quick question — is the Lens-Artists challenge a challenge for others? That is, can others submit their own photos for these challenges that are showcased somehow or is it exclusive to a group of people? Apologies, I’m a bit new on WordPress.

    • Hi, glad you liked my photos – and yes, you can submit your entry on any challenge as long as you are a member on WP. Welcome! Just write a post and post the link in the comment section and tag Lens-Artists (or any other challenge you want to post to)!

  5. Pingback: Lens-Artist-PC-91-Simplicity – WoollyMuses

  6. Loved your images and wonderful quotes, Ann-Christine. ❤ "Life is simply a collection of little lives, each lived one day at a time." I think sometimes one tends to live too much in the past or the future. 🙂

  7. What fantastic quotes and beautiful images to go along with them. That first quote especially reminded me of what my 3 year old grandson recently called a sunset that he and his mom and dad watched from their front porch. All together because of the quarantine…”Come and watch the beautifulness!”

  8. Pingback: Day Seven: News & L-A: Simplicity – Manja Mexi Mexcessive

    • Thank you, Amy! It is the light, isn’t it? I stood there for a long time. The flowers were all at their brightest and healthiest. And that is my colour.

    • Yes, it is a rose petal. And I just loved that cross – it stands on top of a mountain in Switzerland. I don’t remember where…(we hiked many of them…) but its simplicity and position made me sit down and just breathe.

  9. Beautiful pics and fantabulous quotes – Again! Sorry I don’t have a new way of commenting upon it – but simple is best and the line left is simple, tried and true….? 😀

    • Thank you, Tamrah! So glad your heart said yes to these! But, as I am not a native English speaker (or a bit dumb…?) so I don’t get your last sentence! Is it a saying?

      • Here, in my family, when we say something is ‘tried and true’ it means that people have done something a certain way for awhile, have perfected it, and it has managed to still be effective as cultural and societal norms change – does that help in understanding? Given your not native English, and I don’t speak your language, I’m not certain if I used the proper wording to explain – let me know – 🙂
        I do not think you are dumb – there are language and dictionary words, and then there are sayings or idioms that make the most sense to those who are native speakers, or familiar with geographical/regional things – 🙂

      • I thought this would be the explanation – thank you for enlightening me! Many idioms and sayings are almost the same or similar over the world – but sometimes there is a tiny but important difference. So, I had better ask!

      • I always ask, too! I was raised by a Dad who said ‘there are no stupid (dumb questions) EXCEPT when you ask for the 3rd time what I just told you 2 minutes ago – that just means you weren’t paying attention or listening, Sis” – :). A questing and questioning heart is, in my opinion, one of the greatest indicators of intelligence, an open mind and open heart – but I’m biased towards those who show such things through their creative works, over and over – :). Teach me how to write (if I can) ‘thank you’ in your language if you will – a pleasant greeting, ”please” and ”thank you” are the first three things I ask to learn, when I meet someone who speaks another language – 🙂

  10. As always, love your images and your message Ann-Christine. One would know your love of flowers simply by looking at your images of them. I don’t think you’ve ever included one that I wouldn’t proudly hang on my wall.

  11. A beautiful series that conveys the simple things in life that bring the most pleasure, Ann-Christine. Love that opening excerpt. Wishing you safe and healthy days. 💙

  12. Oh….Ann-Christine. Your post, your images, quotes, and thoughts are wonderful! I love the rose petal in the first shot and the bent nails in the wood. You’ve got a marvelous photographic eye! Take care and stay well.

  13. I love your gallery of images; and the words you’ve chosen to accompany them. If there is good to come from these times, I hope it will include more people consciously choosing simpler, healthier lives.

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