Lens-Artists Challenge #68 – Layered

Amy is our host this week, and she suggests we look for layers. Have a look at her inspiring post from Plitvice, Croatia!

Here are some layers from my favorite world of mountains, rocks and stones. In the header – the Pancakes of New Zealand, South Island.

Ireland, Giants’ Causeway.

The Hellnar cave.


And last, Iceland, south west part, Snæfellsnes peninsula – the cave at Hellnar. Look closely, and you will find a mink looking for young gulls nesting, or some eggs for dinner.

Hope to see you joining in the fun!


61 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge #68 – Layered

  1. Pingback: Lens-Artist-PC-68-Layered – WoollyMuses

  2. hi a. c., two interesting photos that you chose for the theme, both of which I like very much, well done a. c ..
    greetings robert

  3. Such interesting, layered formations created by nature’s forces. The Ireland one is most curious.
    Wondeful to view this selection, Anne-Christine. 🙂

  4. Stunningly beautiful examples of nature’s layers, A-C! Gorgeous. I love your shot of the Giants Causeway in Ireland. I’m sorry we didn’t get there. I had to smile at your inclusion of Iceland. You love that place!

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