Tuesday Photo Challenge – Connections

Frank goes for Connections this week, and I have a story. Last week I went to The Netherlands for the grand flower festival and the parade – but also to reconnect with a man I met almost exactly 30 years ago when hiking the King’s Trail from Abisko, Sweden.

We have not seen each other for all those years, but we have kept contact by writing letters. A great deal of ones life ”happens” somewhere between 30 and 60. But, we recognized each other immediately. He was still shy, and so tall and thin, though his big bush of hair had turned greyer and a bit less bushy. Like mine.

We spent some hours walking, talking, eating good food and remembering those happy, hiking days in the mountains. 1989. I walked with my dog and he walked alone. I was very impressed by him being a professor in theoretical mathematics and he was impressed by me hiking alone, heavily packed and only accompanied by a big dog.

Where did all those years go? We still connect…Wim and I, and it was not easy to say goodbye again. Life is a strange thing, but so are connections. Just how do they work? What makes us connect, never forget, and still ”know” one another after so many years? Wonderful.

39 reaktioner på ”Tuesday Photo Challenge – Connections

  1. Pingback: Tuesday Photo Challenge – Round Up 157 – Dutch goes the Photo!

  2. Connections are special. And letters made these connections last. I wonder whether folks will be more connected now through social media, or with the connections be less because letters take us in depth to other people. It makes me smile to read about your friendship. Lovely to share.

  3. So wonderful you got to connect with Wim again after all these years, and what a lovely photo the two of you took together. Connections that last this long, especially long distance, are something very special 🙂

  4. Your story was very heartwarming and made me think about friends I haven’t seen or talked to in years.
    It’s delightful to have a friend that you can reconnect with years later. Life happens so much after 30…

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