Lens Artists Photo Challenge #25 – Reflections

Patti’s challenge this week is Reflections – and I agree, it is a fascinating theme! New worlds. Worlds in worlds. Your eyes are meant to see, and sometimes they surprise you, they open your mind to dimensions you never dreamed of…

Buildings change faces…

Nature becomes glass art…

The street dips into the ocean…or the ocean rises to meet you…

Nature turns into yet another work of art…

In Switzerland I met my forever favorite – the Fluela Pass. When driving here earlier in the day, we saw nothing special. On returning home, in the afternoon, this reflection changed everything.

Lastly, reflections turning the whole world into a Monet painting…I can live with that…


Life would certainly be a bit more grey without reflections! Thank you, Patti, for letting us reflect on their importance. And thank you all who joined in! Lens-Artists last challenge this year, 2018, will be hosted by me, Ann-Christine. Hope to see you Saturday, December 29 – Merry Christmas!


42 reaktioner på ”Lens Artists Photo Challenge #25 – Reflections

  1. Pingback: Lens-Artist-PC-Reflections – WoollyMuses

  2. Beautiful reflections all round, Leya or should I say Ann-Christine. Some of these images aren’t your usual reflections like the building ones. Very creative there. It was great following along with the photo challenges this year. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and hope you get some rest and spend time with those who matter to you. Take care 🙂 ❤

  3. All I can say is, ”Wow!” Your shots are fantastic and your prose is moving. Our collaboration on the Lens-Artists challenges is one of the highlights of these year! Working with you, AC, and Amy has been a real joy.:)

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