Thursday Thoughts – Autumn Hints

Some cool autumn days at our summerhouse – Much is in progress…and nature is slowing down. Totti is adjusting to having Milo around, but as you can see he has also found out how to effectively get away from him…one of his favorite solutions is to jump into the car cage again. Milo cannot reach him there – yet.


Autumn is coming – the crispness of the air, the clear skies and the colours of the trees.

Our little fishing village is preparing for the next season – boats on shore and summer guests gone. Silent mornings, only the swallows’ swift wings dipping in the water.

He is growing so fast…too fast, just like little children do.

29 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Autumn Hints

  1. It’s hard to believe it’s almost September already, that’s for sure. Lovely shots, as always. I understand Totti wanting to get away at times. Don’t we all feel that way once in a while? 🙂


  2. I love autumn! The best season for random and quirky thoughts and serene knowledge.
    By the way, are Totti and Milo your pets?

  3. Lovely to see your summerhouse again! Naughty Totti, teasing little Milo. …. Is their any coincidence with you choosing the name Milo, with it’s similarities to Mille? And his coat is similar, too

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