Cee’s B&W Photo Challenge: Close-ups

Last year I got 11 tulip bulbs from a dear friend and plant expert. Maybe some of you know about ”the little man” and his concerns for ”my” forest and all its inhabitants. He and his wife have travelled the world, collecting memories and rare plants for decades..Now they are too old to travel, but enjoy their wonderful ”Dream garden”.

What a great gift! You can understand how humble and careful I was when planting and tending to these tulips. They are very rare, and one single bulb costs more than 10GBP or 15USD. I still wonder how they could trust me with them…

This week, they shimmer like gems in my garden. Clear red with yellow petals surrounding…and here is a close-up on one of them, in B&W.

Trädgårdsblommor Maj 087_copy1

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Thank you for being featured last week!



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