SL-WEEK 13: Ecology

A very good choice of theme – ecology! Visit Sylvain Landry for more of this.

I’m now back from Riga, Latvia, where I met this young man, Janis, at Baltu Drava. He is a passionate bee keeper and sells his own healthy and totally ecological products. Not only honey, but for example bee bread too.

He also makes bee hives out of tree trunks, as of old. (To the left in the picture you will see one of them.)

9 reaktioner på ”SL-WEEK 13: Ecology

    • You should try it! Maybe they have it where you live? Janis told me to ask any bee harvester. I bought from him two jars of bee pollen – I think I will try to find bee bread here as well. Antioxidants, vitamins, allergy fighters, antiinflammatory. And – tastes delicious!

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